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Your Axies are coming home!

key point

  • Axie Infinity: Homeland Beta is coming soon! Homeland is a land-based Axie game that allows players to build their own settlement on the planet Lunacia.

  • Calling all landlords and managers! The new land delegation market will be active once the beta launches. This will give you more freedom and the opportunity to work together. Set AXS reward splits, delegation periods, termination provisions, plot permissions, and more.

  • For the first time, bring NFT axes to your Land Plot in 3D! Manage your axes from the Axie admin panel.

  • Updated the AXS reward loop and updated the in-game quest system. See below for more details!

  • Introducing Material Quality – New statistics for Materials. High quality materials = higher chance of producing and crafting high quality items. Use the new alchemy building to change the quality of your ingredients.

Check out the new Homeland plot art! Please take a moment to explore the new beta features below before you dive in.

Axie Infinity: Homeland Beta is coming soon!

Homeland is Axie’s flagship land-based game that allows players to build their own settlement on the planet Lunacia. Our primary growth goal for this beta release is to encourage deeper player engagement. Important features coming soon will support this vision. Simplified plot delegation. Homeland’s NFT axis. Updated AXS loop and monetization mechanisms. These are just some of the updates for Homeland players.

There are a lot of updates coming, and today I’ll give you an overview. But it will still be important to understand and feel these mechanics when we get our hands on them ourselves next week.

Last June, we established our initial system of land delegation. A land entrustment allows a landowner to give a landowner access to unused national land, regardless of whether the trustee owns the land or not. On the one hand, it made Homeland more accessible and introduced the game to a new audience. Landowners and trustees, on the other hand, requested more features, such as more seamless tools for compensation splitting and bulk delegation. To those players, welcome to the Land Delegation market!

Through the Delegation Marketplace, landlords draw up their own Delegation Agreement, which is governed by a trustee. Set AXS reward splits, delegation periods, termination provisions and even plot permissions. Do this on individual plots or in bulk. For example, choose whether Stewards can destroy structures in the Mystic Plot. This gives landlords more freedom and managers more opportunities. Some other things you can do in the land mandate market include:

  • Whitelist specific users for delegation opportunities with their Ronin wallet address

  • Customize the permitted activities related to transferring and trading resources, moving, building, and destroying structures.

  • Apply to become a caretaker for a specific landlord’s premises

The ultimate metric that defines the success of this feature is the percentage of active plots in Lunacia.

Most Homeland players have been wondering when NFT Axes will be available to use in their plots. We are pleased to announce that your NFT Axis will work on your plot during the beta period.

There are millions of axes in Lunacia and we’re excited to help them make the jump to Homeland. This gives your axis more utility across our ecosystem.

Invite your axes to join Homeland’s intrigue. Then use the Axie admin panel to do the work. Your axis replaces the game’s default axis. This is the first step towards deeper integration between the NFT axis and Homeland.

The first goals of NFT axes are:

• Maximize the percentage of land covered by the three axes.

• Increased sales and volumes of land-related livestock.

We will work to integrate your axis deeper into Homeland over time. For example, we know that AXP integration and bonuses for certain types of axes are key requests from landowners.

In Homeland, crafting and production are how players use materials to obtain better gear, earn mAXS rewards, and climb the leaderboards. New crafting and production systems improve material quality. Players can determine the material composition of the final crafted and produced item, and futuristic alchemy buildings can change the material quality itself. Here’s how it works:

Material Quality is a new measurement applied to materials. For example, this means that some wheat is now of higher quality than others! This also means that some breads are of higher quality than others. This often depends on the wheat used to make the bread. The higher the quality of the material, the higher the chance of producing high-quality items.

We are giving players the power to influence the quality of materials through alchemy buildings. In alchemy buildings, you can combine lower quality materials to create higher quality materials, and vice versa. For example, take 3 low-quality clovers to create 1 high-quality clover! Alternatively, split one unit of high-quality wood into several units of lower-quality wood.

In an alchemy building, you can combine and disassemble ingredients at the same time.

As more players discover Homeland and the game becomes more sophisticated, our team will need more precise tools to continue to encourage different play styles and types of immersion.

That’s why we’ve introduced two new mechanisms in the AXS Loop: Ancient Coins and Sapidae Coins. This is a non-tradable in-game currency that players use to mint mAXS. Earn them through gameplay activities such as collecting, producing, crafting, winning battles, and discovering Moonfall. You’ll get the idea. Here’s how Ancient Coin and Sapidae Coin work together to improve the AXS rewards loop.

Ancient coins can be exchanged for mAXS — 1 ancient coin is worth 1mAXS. However, you will need Sapidae Coin to exchange it and receive rewards.

Sapidae coins complement ancient coins. At the start of the Homeland beta, you will need 10 Sapidae Coins to exchange 1 Ancient Coin for mAXS. Here’s what it looks like:

1 Ancient Coin + 10 Sapidae Coins = 1 MAXS

Over time, the Homeland team will be able to adjust the ratio of ancient and Sapidean coins. This allows the AXS compensation loop to be better balanced.

Some improvements will also be made to quest and reward features!

We launched Axie Infinity: Homeland in December 2022. Today we are honored to continue building the game together with our community. Thank you for joining us on this journey. Please feel free to share your feedback on Discord or X. See you in Lunacia!

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