Crypto Gloom

You are invited to the Axie Infinity Holiday Bash

key point

  • Welcome to the Axie Infinity Holiday Bash! Join the Axie Discord from December 28th to December 29th and celebrate the holidays together. The 0L3K bot will also give away free axes. Check the Axie Discord for official start times.

  • A carol session will be held on December 28th. Hear the Lunacians sing their hearts out or join in! Sign up here. An Axie showcase will also be held on the same day. On December 29th, we will be playing Axi games all day. Channel Mode and compete with other Lunacians to win prizes.

  • Winners will receive prizes including a Christmas axe, a summer axe and a non-collectible axe.

Join the Axie Discord

You’re invited to the Axie Infinity Holiday Bash on the Axie Discord! Celebrate the holiday season with your fellow Lunacians. We will be holding several events from December 28th to December 29th. Includes carol singing, Axies introduction, Axie game competition and more. Winners will receive prizes including collectible and non-collectible axes. Check the Axie Discord for official start times. Here’s what the Holiday Bash is all about!

We will be hosting a caroling session on the Axie Discord on December 28th. Sing your favorite holiday song or listen to a special guest sing. After that, we plan to hold an Axie showcase. Show off your favorite axy and get a chance to win prizes! This is a great opportunity to see new developments and share them with the community.

Register to Sing

On December 29th we will be playing Axie all day long. Channel Mode and compete with other Lunacians to win prizes. Let us know what game you want to play and we’ll pit you against other players. 0L3K Bot will also be giving away free axes during this period!

2023 is almost over, and 2024 is about to begin. This has been an important year for our community. We released Homeland and Project T, brought back Axie Classic, released Part Evolution, and so much more. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We’ve been working hard for over 6 years, but it seems like we’re just getting started.

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