Crypto Gloom

What is Ethervista (VISTA)? – Coinbold

Ethervista A unique platform that allows users to launch their own Mimecoins directly on the Ethereum network. This innovation provides new opportunities for cryptocurrency enthusiasts, especially as the Mimecoin trend continues to gain momentum.

So what makes this project different? Join Coinbold and take a closer look at the details in our next article.

What is Ethervista?

Ethervista is a great decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows users to create and launch memecoins on the Ethereum network. What sets Ethervista apart is its innovative approach to liquidity management and token launches. The platform’s key feature is its requirement that token creators lock liquidity for 5 days, a measure designed to prevent: rug pull – This is a common issue that often occurs within the first 4 days after token launch on platforms like

Ethervista aims to promote the long-term success of the project by providing a reward mechanism for token creators. The rewards depend on the liquidity and trading fees of the platform and increase as trading volume increases. This model is beneficial to both users and token creators, making long-term commitments more rewarding than short-term selling or liquidity withdrawals.

Ethervista Highlights

Fair release model

Ethervista uses: Fair release A model where 100% of tokens are allocated to liquidity providers (LPs) and locked for 5 days. This mechanism is designed to minimize the risk of rug pulls, a common problem in many DeFi projects. The transparency and commitment of this approach has attracted significant attention, and Ethervista has surpassed $18 million in market cap shortly after its launch.

Deflationary economic model

memory, Native token of EthervistaIt is deflationary with a maximum supply capped at 1 million tokens. The protocol continuously burns tokens to reduce the total supply, thereby increasing the value of VISTA. This model is designed to prevent inflation, which is common in other DeFi projects where excessive token supply often leads to a sharp drop in value. In addition, the revenue generated from ETH further supports the value of the token, providing stability in bearish market conditions.

Token Name Ethervista
ticker memory
Blockchain Ethereum
contract 0xc9bca88b04581699fab5aa276ccaff7df957cbbf
Total supply 1.000.000
Ethervista (VISTA) Token Economics

ETH transaction fees

Ethervista charges trading fees in ETH. These fees are distributed to liquidity providers and token creators, encouraging long-term commitment to the platform and creating a sustainable balance within the ecosystem.

Advanced DeFi Features

Ethervista plans to expand its DeFi offerings to include liquidity pools such as ETH-BTC-USDC, lending, futures contracts, and flash loans. These features will help attract more retail traders and help Ethervista evolve into a comprehensive DeFi platform on Ethereum.

Unique market entry strategy

Ethervista is strategically positioned to fill a gap in Ethereum’s DeFi ecosystem, especially at a time when there is a dearth of new and innovative projects. With a timely launch and unique approach, Ethervista is poised to become a key player in the market, especially as Ethereum continues to dominate the smart contract space.


Ethervista A very promising decentralized exchange that offers the ability to create Ethereum-based Mimecoins. With its potential, Ethervista could become an essential part of Ethereum’s DeFi ecosystem. With this article, Coinbold aims to provide basic information necessary for a broader understanding of the project. This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice.