Crypto Gloom

Vulnerability in email autoresponders could allow hackers to mine cryptocurrency

How Auto-Reply Emails Are Exploited

Cyber ​​Security Researcher actually It has recently been discovered that hackers are spreading malware using email autoresponders. They are mainly targeting Russian companies, marketplaces, and financial institutions. The goal? To install cryptocurrency mining software XMRig on the victim’s device.

XMRig is a legal tool for mining MoneroAlthough it is a type of cryptocurrency, hackers have found a way to use it for attacks. Since May, Facct has identified approximately 150 emails containing XMRig malware. Fortunately, email protection systems have blocked these malicious emails for clients.

Why Auto-Response Makes This Method Dangerous

The danger of this attack method lies in its subtlety. Hackers do not send mass spam emails that can be easily ignored. Instead, they use automatic replies from compromised email accounts.

Victims often expect to hear back from the person who initially sent the email, but are unaware that their account has been compromised. This makes the malware-laced response seem more trustworthy.

Recommended Cybersecurity Practices

Dmitry Eremenko, senior analyst at Facct, warns that these automated replies are dangerous because they interact with compromised accounts without the victim’s knowledge. Facct advises companies to strengthen the security of their employees. Cyber ​​Security Awareness through training. Strengthening passwords and using multi-factor authentication are also essential to prevent these attacks.

In a past interview, ethical hacker Marwan Hachem highlighted another useful tip. He suggested using different devices for different types of communication. This will keep your primary device safe and isolate potential malware.

Past attacks using XMRig

Although XMRig is a legitimate tool, it has been implicated in various attacks over the years. In 2020, a malware called “Lucifer” targeted a vulnerability in Windows systems and installed XMRig to mine Monero. Later that year, a botnet called “FritzFrog” infected millions of IP addresses, including government agencies, schools, and banks.

Key security measures:

  • Staff Training: Educate your team about the latest cyber threats.
  • Password protection: Use a strong, unique password.
  • Multi-factor authentication: Increase security.
  • Separate device: Isolate communications to limit the spread of malware.

Autoresponder emails may seem harmless, but they can open the door to serious attacks. Awareness and strong security practices are essential to staying safe.