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Updated comparison chart of 15 social VR platforms (last update: April 9, 2024)

Image by Pexels from Pixabay.

Finally!—we have the opportunity to update our Google Spreadsheet of Social VR Platforms, removing platforms that no longer exist and adding a few new ones since the last update a few years ago. This spreadsheet focuses only on Metaverse platforms that support virtual reality, or social VR. If your platform is dedicated to flat screen access (e.g. Second Life) ~ no It's included in this spreadsheet.

Please note that I am no longer writing. any A Metaverse platform that integrates blockchain, cryptocurrency, and/or non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Also, for a long time I long, an alphabetical list of potential social VR platforms to add to this spreadsheet is at the bottom. If you know of any other social VR platforms that should be added to this list, please contact me with relevant details (platform name, company building it, website, etc.). Thank you for any help you can provide!

Chart comparing 15 social VR platforms © Ryan Schultz, published on (Google Sheets version)

Note: Any changes to this spreadsheet are made in real time as the information comes in. This link updates automatically every 5 minutes.

Chart comparing 15 social VR platforms © Ryan Schultz, published on, last updated April 9, 2024 (PDF version)

Comparison Chart-15-Social-VR-Platforms-Last Updated-April 9, 2024-Sheet1Download

NOTE: This PDF must be created by hand and is only created once per day, near the end of the day. If the What changes happened that day? So you should consider Google Sheets links as the most up-to-date content!