Crypto Gloom

Trump’s Bitcoin Speech Causes $2.6 Million Polymarket Dispute

Some Polymarket investors have disputed the platform’s resolution to place a $2.6 million bet on Trump’s promise to prepare for Bitcoin in Nashville.

Last weekend, former US President and Republican candidate Donald Trump informed the 20,000 attendees of Bitcoin (BTC) 2024 that he plans to stop government sales if he is elected in November. The US government is the largest geopolitical Bitcoin owner, holding 183,000 BTC worth $12.7 billion, according to Arkham.

Polymarket believes that President Trump’s comments on holding Bitcoin in the United States will in effect create a strategic national Bitcoin stockpile.

According to Polygon, a decentralized prediction platform, “For the purposes of this market, it is sufficient for Trump to announce strategic Bitcoin holdings, so this market should resolve with a ‘yes.’”

The feud between Polymarket bettors

Claims of fraud and discontent have filled the prediction market’s “Will Trump Announce a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve?” bet comments section. Several bettors who bought “No” stocks in the poll felt cheated by the platform’s decision.

A recurring chorus among the debaters was that Trump’s plan to keep Bitcoin in the United States was different from announcing a strategic reserve. Many users who bought “yes” stocks and expected to profit from their bets vehemently disagreed that reserves and strategic reserves imply separate ideas.

Winning bettors urged disgruntled users to sell their “no” stocks before Polymarket confirmed the market. This is the last step before bettors can either win or lose. The bet was challenged at least twice, but the other bet outcomes seemed unlikely.

Gamblers Debate Resolution: “Will Trump Announce Strategic Bitcoin Reserve?” | Source: Polymarket