Crypto Gloom

The decisive battle to rally the country is coming soon!

key point

  • Homeland Gathering Showdown is a two-week event starting next week in Axie Infinity: Homeland. Collect resources, earn lucky treasures, and compete on leaderboards to earn AXS. This event will run from April 17th to May 1st.

  • The event leaderboard will be released in real time during the Gathering Showdown, and approximately 20,000 AXS can be earned. Please note that the final distributed reward amount may change depending on the event mechanism.

  • During this event, players will earn more Ancient Coins than ever before. Total Ancient Coin rewards vary depending on plot rarity. Players will also receive a special 5% buff to their collection speed whenever their NFT ax is assigned a task.

Lunasia, the Motherland Gathering showdown is about to begin! Gathering Showdown is a special event starting next week where you can earn approximately 20,000 AXS. Collect resources to earn lucky treasures and climb the leaderboard. Here's how the Homeland Gathering showdown works:

Gathering Showdown Leaderboard Introduction

Starting April 17th and over the next two weeks, players' plots can earn points by collecting various resources in Homeland while individual timers run. This may be the biggest resource rush Lunacia has ever seen. Here's how it works: **

Each day, players can activate a personal timer for up to two hours. Each resource collected while the timer is running grants points to the collected plot. Collecting 1 tree gives you 1 point in that area. Collect 1 diamond and score 608 points on the plot. The table above shows the point value of each resource.

At the end of the Gathering Showdown, the top 5,000 plots will award players lucky treasures. Each Fortune Trove is equivalent to a certain amount of Ancient Coins, which can be exchanged for AXS. It will look like this:

Start individual timer —> Collect resources —> Accumulate points —> Get lucky treasures —> Receive ancient coins —> Exchange for mAXS

Ancient Coins received from Fortune Troves do not count toward your daily limit. Stewards who place plots on the leaderboard through gatherings will receive rewards based on the delegation contract and points earned during gathering competitions.

The timer resets daily at 5:00 PM (GMT+7) and unused time does not accumulate. If you don't use your time, you lose it. If you play on multiple plots, you can enable separate timers for each plot or start the timers together.

Advantages of Land Types: Strong Rewarding X Factor

The type of land a player gathers resources from makes a big difference. For example, the Genesis plot gives players 5,000 Ancient Coins per Fortune Trove earned, while the Mystic plot gives players 1,000 Ancient Coins per Fortune Trove. Rare plots offer more rewards.

This encourages homeowners to play or delegate their rare plots, while also giving some keepers the possibility to take home a lot of mAXS at the end of the event. If you're interested in competing for the top spot on the Gathering Showdown Leaderboard, check out what plots are available now on App.Axie.

land purchase

Play as a Steward

Collect Showdown champions to earn potential AXS rewards.

Genesis Plot: 1.5M mAXS, exchangeable for 1.5K AXS

Mystic Plot: 300K mAXS, exchangeable for 300 AXS

Arctic Plot: 150K mAXS, exchangeable for 150 AXS

Forest: 75K mAXS, exchangeable for 75 AXS

Savannah Plot: 45K mAXS, interchangeable for 45 AXS

Rewards will be distributed in ancient coins and Sapidae Coin will no longer be required to mint mAXS.

Event FAQ

Q: How are rally showdown rewards distributed between stewards and landowners?

A: The custodian and the landowner split the compensation obtained from the rally showdown according to the delegation agreement. and Points earned by each party. Examples include:

Imagine that a steward and a landowner agree to a mandate agreement that splits compensation 50:50. Stewards earn 80% of plot leaderboard points during the Gathering Showdown.

First, because Stewards contributed 80% of their points, they will only receive 80% of the final mAXS reward. There will then be a 50/50 split on that amount. In the end, the Steward receives 40% of the plot's total rewards.

yes. Total plot reward = 100,000mAXS

80% x 100,000mAXS = 80,000mAXS, 50% x 80,000mAXS = 40,000mAXS

Steward's Reward = 40,000mAXS

Landowner's compensation = 60,000mAXS

Q: Will my points count if I miss activating my individual timer?

A: Only collection tasks completed while an individual timer is active will be included in the leaderboard. So, always remember to enable it.

Q: What happens if a 5PM GMT+7 reset occurs every day during the two-hour collection period?

A: If you start playing before the daily 5PM (GMT+7) reset, you will continue to earn points for 2 hours. Your session will not be interrupted. After resetting, you can start the timer right away for the next day's session.

Q: Can I pause individual timers once activated?

A: No. Individual timers cannot be paused.

Q: When the individual timer starts, will I still be able to earn Ancient Coins through regular gathering tasks other than event rewards?

Answer: Yes.

Q: How do I redeem mAXS in this event?

A: Event rewards will be distributed through Ancient Coins and players must redeem them through App.Axie's token claim page. More details here

final thoughts

Lunacians, it's time to gather and build! Our country is calling us home. Gather around the Gathering Showdown Leaderboard for a chance to win AXS. Let the resource rush begin!

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