Crypto Gloom

Solana ‘S Paradise NFT Collection Top in Daily NFT sales

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The global pessimistic token market has finally returned to a positive march after a short market downturn, which has led to less than $ 15 million in the last few weeks. In the last 24 hours, the Global NFT market has accumulated $ +19 million sales, up 23% from the previous day. Is NFT Market Bull Run again reform?

Solana rises +200% in NFT sales every day

According to the data compiled by, a token collection explorer without a multi -chain data and multiple chain, the token market, which is not worldwide, has surged today. In the last 24 hours, the NFT market has raised $ 19.6 million in sales. During this period, the Paradise NFT collection was the most sold NFT in the NFT market and earned more than $ 3.9 million in sales.

Daily NFT sales volumeDaily NFT sales volume

Ethereum, a famous blockchain network in the NFT market, is famous for supplying power to most Blue-chip non-Funbial token collections. Today is the most traded blockchain network in the NFT market in February. In the last 24 hours, NFT, based on Ether Leeum, has sold more than $ 5.7 million. During this period, the sales volume of Ethereum NFT increased 4.69% from the previous day.

Solana, a diversified blockchain network that is famous for hosting a variety of smart contracts for the impossible token collection, is the second -most traditional blockchain network in the NFT market today. In the last 24 hours, the Solana -based NFT collection has sold $ 5.1 million. During this period, Solana NFT trading volume increased 217% from last month.

Paradise Top of NFT sales every day

Paradise, an inseparable token collection, featuring 8,888 NFT limited editions hosted by Etherrium Blockchain Network, is the most sold NFT collection in the world’s NFT market today. Over the last 24 hours, the NFT collection has been more than $ 3.9 million in trading sales. During this period, paradise NFT sales surged 541% from the previous day.

Paradise Top at NFT sales every dayParadise Top at NFT sales every day

On the other hand, the courtyard is the second largest NFT collection in the global NFT market today. Courtyard is a token collection with a limited set of 90,435 NFT trading cards hosted on a polygonal blockchain network. In the last 24 hours, the courtyard has collected $ 1.5 million in sales. The NFT collection has been pumped 12% since last day. The recent surge in NFT suggests that NFT is preparing for another bull run.

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