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Origins Season 7 postseason has begun!

key point

  • Origins Season 7 postseason has begun! We have several plans for the Season 7 Postseason and Season 8 Preseason, including the return of collectible leaderboards with a 4,000 AXS prize pool, new balance changes, a preseason cup tournament with a 2,000 AXS prize pool, and more.

  • Watch the battle of the Elite 8 live streaming Win your Season 7 crown this Sunday. Congratulations to all Lunasians who took the field last season. All Season 7 tickets in the Collectible Box can be redeemed for 0.64mAXS.

  • For the S7 Collectible Box reward, players were given a Collectible Ticket. The total reward pool of 7K AXS will be distributed based on the number of collectible tickets held by each player. See below for more details.

Lunacians, the moment many of us have been waiting for has arrived. In just a few days, an Axie Infinity: Origins Season 7 champion will be crowned! Watch the battle of the Elite 8 live streaming Find out who comes out on top this Sunday at 8am ET. This article details what changes are coming to Origins during the offseason. The current situation is as follows:

The upcoming offseason will be divided into two parts: the Season 7 postseason and the Season 8 preseason. The Season 7 postseason will include the Elite 8 Tournament, while the Season 8 preseason will feature a few additional surprises.

We’re finalizing the details of the Season 8 balance patch, so stay tuned for more details to come next week. If all goes well, we plan to go live two weeks from now and give away Season 8 runes and talismans in the Origins store before the season starts. This gives players a much more comprehensive opportunity to test new balance changes than ever before.

If all goes as planned, we’ll also be holding an S8 Pre-Season Cup tournament on March 27th, with around 2,000 AXS up for grabs. These are tentative dates, so stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks!

Congratulations to the top eight players from the Origins Season 7 Final Era! I’d like to thank Enrico for taking the top spot and YGG for putting three players in the Elite 8. Everyone on the list above is invited to the Battle for the Crown on March 10th. Battle for the Season 7 crown and 1,200 AXS prize money. The tournament format is as follows:

  • Players must register exactly 3 teams consisting of exactly 3 axes.

  • Each team must be significantly different from the other two. Therefore, two teams cannot overlap more than 9 out of 18 axle parts.

  • Each individual axie can only register with a single team.

  • Players cannot swap axes between teams once registered.

  • Considering the current meta environment, Mystic Runes (Healing Pulse) are limited.

  • Players cannot reuse (Healing Pulse) after winning a game in the current match.

  • This limit resets each match.

  • To win a match, players must win one match with each team.

  • Players cannot reuse a team that has already won the current match.

We ask you to join the Elite 8. Axie Tournament Discord Server ASAP. More details will be provided there.

For the S7 Collectible Box reward, players were given a Collectible Ticket. The total reward pool of 7K AXS will be distributed based on the number of collectible tickets held by each player.

Total Reward Pool: 7,000AXS

Total number of collectible tickets issued: 10,729,773

Value of 1 collectible ticket: 0.65239mAXS

These collectible tickets will be converted to mAXS according to the value mentioned above and the rewards will be distributed along with the season rewards.

Over the past few weeks, Axie has had several surprising moments. Axie Champions is surging in DAU. Homeland AXP integration has created more opportunities for component advancement. The Axie Classic guild is coming. Origins is also getting some major updates. This is the start of an exciting year for Lunacia. Let’s keep pushing!

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