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NVIDIA Omniverse Secures Automotive Partner to Accelerate Digital Twin Development

The Consumer Electronics Show 2024 is proving that many leading immersive technology companies are making progress, showcasing innovative products ready to enhance workplace operations using AR/VR/MR tools.

One such company is NVIDIA. The company is building a robust XR development and delivery framework to help AR/VR/MR solution providers create immersive workplace applications. NVIDIA notes that a growth market for Omniverse tools is the automotive industry, where RT3D content can bring value to multiple levels of business operations.

This week at CES 2023, NVIDIA unveiled several new project partners to launch its Omniverse platform, delivering a new level of usability for automotive customers. NVIDIA is collaborating with ITONE, Brickland, Configit, Katana Studio, WPP ZeroLight, and Lotus to achieve this enterprise vision.

This move will allow NVIDIA to help automotive companies leverage XR development tools to align with automotive industry use cases, particularly customer experience and auto-configuration tasks.

Securing a new era of customer experience

The latest partnership announcement aims to encourage the use of digital twins to improve the customer buying journey, particularly car purchases. By partnering with a leading digital twin development company, the Omniverse platform can now deliver enhanced, high-quality product renderings available on the XR purchasing platform.

This toolkit provides enhanced AR/VR/MR content creation tools to help marketing teams and brands create rich, immersive marketing materials. NVIDIA explains that this allows you to increase engagement through personalized, interactive content.

Digital twins are a growing area of ​​interest for brands and marketing teams. In theory, if potential customers could place augmented visualizations of products in their physical space, from furniture to cars, this could inform and encourage individuals to purchase those items.

Integrated XR capabilities on modern devices allow buyers to view digital twins and place product renderings in physical space using a smartphone application. However, there are still challenges with this new use case, such as putting the phone into sleep mode (thus halting XR applications) and utilizing standardized file formats.

However, both obstacles appear likely to be resolved in the coming years. Purpose-built smart glasses will run digital twin services optimally without interruption, and OpenUSD, the format chosen by NVIDIA, is on its own journey to standardize digital twin services.

More than a consumer experience solution

NVIDIA, on the other hand, notes how the OpenUSD digital twin reaches a level higher than the consumer experience. The company highlights how its recently optimized hardware, software and partner ecosystem can deliver value to automotive-focused original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and agencies.

OEM operators can leverage Omniverse to create digital twins of their equipment or products. With the latest update, the company streamlines OEM access and provides a path that requires less manual setup procedures.

Omniverse aims to provide software developers and service providers with tools to streamline their workflows through a unified asset pipeline. The pipeline also allows users to develop and interact with cutting-edge immersive content without any loss of quality when operating on low-end devices.

Additionally, to contribute to Omniverse’s operational excellence, the platform’s integrated cloud services leverage GDN to provide seamless XR interactive content delivery through: A reliable streaming infrastructure for publishing and delivering XR content at scale to a variety of customers or workers.

NVIDIA says its Omniverse platform has the power to impact a “new era” in how the automotive industry approaches work and consumer engagement.

However, while the company is currently working with car manufacturers such as Lotus, Omniverse’s optimized digital twin creation services could benefit end users representing other sectors.