Crypto Gloom

Introducing Homeland Avatar Mode

  • Axie Homeland Avatar Mode is here! In Avatar Mode, you can roam the Homeland map with your NFT Axie. Visit your neighbors’ plots, gather in the four starter villages, and chat with fellow Lunacians. Explore Lunacia like never before!

  • This feature is available to everyone with an axe, whether or not they own land. I’ve created a quick guide on how to navigate Avatar Mode. Read on for more details.

  • Join us to test the server from July 17th to 24th. We have prepared 4 daily events to make this open beta test fun and engaging. You can win 12 collectible axes and 20 land items! After the open beta test, the Avatar feature will be moved to maintenance mode. The Avatar Mode Beta will be released in late July or early August.

Buy land

Become a butler and find a plot to play

Lunasians, prepare for another adventure in the Axie Homeland! Homeland Avatar Mode—The ability to explore Homeland with an NFT Axie as your avatar. Explore towns, visit neighboring plots, and interact with fellow Lunacians. Avatar Mode will level up your Homeland experience. This new mode is available to everyone who owns an Axie, whether or not they own land.

Adopt an Axie

The current version is a glimpse into early development, but Avatar Mode is only just beginning to show its potential. Nevertheless, Avatar Mode will set the stage for many exciting features in the future. Are you ready to step into your Axis shoes? Let’s take a look at the details.

Imagine traversing the lush landscapes and bustling towns of Lunacia with your favorite Axie guiding your way. In this initial Avatar Mode release, you’ll be able to:

  • Traveling around the country: Roam freely with your Axie avatar. Visit four vibrant towns with diverse plots: Goldenwind, Evergreen, Winterblue, and Hazymoon.

  • Communicate in real time: Meet and communicate with other Lunasians in real time using the new chat feature. Communicate through General, Local, and World channels. Add some flair to your conversations with emojis.

Getting started with Avatar Mode is simple and intuitive. Here’s a quick guide:

We’re hosting an open beta to ensure a smooth experience. test. This is your chance to explore Avatar Mode, test the limits of the server, and get a chance to win rewards. Mark your calendars from July 17th to 24th!

After the open beta test ends, Avatar Mode will be moved offline. Depending on the test results, Avatar Mode will be fully activated in late July or early August.

Homeland Download

We have planned a series of events to make the open beta test engaging and fun. Take part in the Town Meeting events for a chance to win one of 12 collectible axes or 20 land items.

Here’s how to enter the draw:

Check out our meeting event schedule below.

  • July 17, 2024 – Avatar Mode Open Beta Test: Day 1 Encounters!

    • location: Winter Blue Village

    • hour: 13:00 UTC (8:00 PM Vietnam | 9:00 PM Philippines)

    • compensation: You will win 3 Christmas Axes and 5 Ice Flowers (Land Items).

  • July 18, 2024 – Avatar Mode Open Beta Test: Day 2 Encounters!

    • location: Heyjimoon Village

    • hour: 13:00 UTC (8:00 PM Vietnam | 9:00 PM Philippines)

    • compensation: 3 people won 1 Shiny Axis and 5 Phantom Altars (Earth items).

  • July 19, 2024 – Avatar Mode Open Beta Test: Day 3 Encounter!

    • location: Evergreen Village

    • hour: 13:00 UTC (8:00 PM Vietnam | 9:00 PM Philippines)

    • compensation: You will receive 3 Japanese axes and 5 grass (earth items).

  • July 20, 2024 – Avatar Mode Open Beta Test: Day 4 Encounter!

    • location: Golden Wind Village

    • hour: 13:00 UTC (8:00 PM Vietnam | 9:00 PM Philippines)

    • Reward: 3 Those who won a Summer Axie and 5 Big Ruin Shards (Earth items).

Note: Rewards will be drawn from among people who posted to X within a certain time frame.

Homeland Avatar Mode is more than just a new feature. It’s the foundation for the future. It’s still in very early development. While the current release focuses on exploration and social interaction, we’re committed to creating a rich and engaging social experience. Your participation and feedback are important. Come join us on this exciting new adventure. Explore and interact. Let’s create the future of Axie Homeland!

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