Crypto Gloom

I will never sell my Bitcoin. Otherwise… | Posted by Johnwege | Coins | February 2024

john way
Coin Monk

Bitcoin is the future the world is heading towards, and it will eventually create the largest transfer of wealth in world history. Those who have accumulated Bitcoin will receive great rewards, and those who have not will go through difficult times.

There are very few conceivable scenarios for selling Bitcoin, except for one thing:

If you’ve been following my work for a while, you’ll know that the cryptocurrency I’m most passionate about by far is Bitcoin. Most of the articles I write cover this, it makes up the majority of my portfolio and is the asset I believe has the brightest future. I think there’s Bitcoin and there’s everything else. We will eventually reach a price level that will exceed all our expectations. I have held Bitcoin for a long time and have no plans to sell anytime soon.

As the famous Bitcoin Matrix meme says; I believe Bitcoin will evolve to a point where it will be accepted everywhere and people won’t have to sell it.

Bitcoin is a survivor and has already surpassed all of our expectations to get to this point. There was a time when it was thought that simply owning Bitcoin could be illegal. There was legitimate concern that people might go to jail just for having them. At the time, we couldn’t have imagined that one day it would be worth nearly $69,000, or even its current price of $51,000. We have never even considered companies like Microstrategy or Tesla including Bitcoin on their balance sheets. And we never dared to imagine a real country like El Salvador making Bitcoin its fiat currency.

One of the most controversial periods in Bitcoin history was the block size war, which eventually led to the Bitcoin Cash fork. But even that can’t shake my trust in BTC.

The only thing that would shake my confidence in Bitcoin to the point where I would immediately sell it is if there were a critical problem with the code. A bug that allows double spending, or an inflation bug that currently allows more than 21 million bitcoins to be created.