Crypto Gloom

Exhausted, Overwhelmed, Exhausted – Ryan Schultz

I’m so tired. I am exhausted. I was emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted.

Everyone, from my psychiatrist to my colleagues, is telling me the same thing. There’s a lot going on in my life right now and I’m feeling completely overwhelmed and exhausted. In fact, I was feeling so exhausted that I went to see my family doctor this week, who discovered that my blood pressure was too low and immediately sent me to a phlebologist for a full blood test.

Even though I took 3 days of sick leave, slept through the night, and took a lot of naps in the afternoon, I still feel worn out and worn out. Today is the first day of the Memorial Day long weekend, and I’ve spent a good portion of the day in bed.

I also find myself intentionally pulling up the drawbridge and isolating myself in order to no longer feel overwhelmed. I pretty much blocked out all social media and most news media until the US election circus was over. The news that we’re now entering four years of Trump makes me want to withdraw from the social circles of home and work, pull the bed covers over my head, and stay there. Is it depression? Maybe so, but I’ve also been taking antidepressants diligently and practicing talk therapy.

I’m doing my best to survive, but lately even the slightest setback has been causing havoc. I was completely exhausted, overwhelmed and exhausted. This means I have to pay attention to my body and mind and make some choices to give myself grace, space, and some peace.

One of those steps is (once again) taking a break from blogging. Anyway, you may have noticed that my blog has slowed down considerably over the past six months. So, I’m going to take a complete break from blogging for the rest of this year and see how I feel in the new year.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. I will be fine. But I need to protect my emotional, mental and physical health and I intend to do so. See you at Rebound!

I am exhausted.

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