Crypto Gloom

Don’t Make Cryptocurrency Mistakes: The Biggest Regrets That Will Happen You! | Posted by Johnwege | Coins | February 2024

john way
Coin Monk

The longer you stay in the cryptocurrency market, the more you start to realize that everyone has a lot more in common than you originally thought. We are all on the same journey, just at different points in the journey.

Some people have already made a lot of money and become rich. Others are hoping to achieve those results in the next cycle, and still others are hoping to achieve them in the cycle after that.

What’s interesting is that in this market, it doesn’t matter who you talk to or how successful they are. We all share the same regrets in this market.

We all regret not doing more.

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are markets unlike any other. There are endless opportunities to make money, but the only thing holding you back is yourself.

After using cryptocurrency for a full four-year cycle, you start to look back on all the mistakes you made. More importantly, you’ll start thinking about all the things you could have done to make money.

The natural first thought that everyone has is the parabolic cryptocurrency they missed. One of my personal missed opportunities was Dodgecoin. A few years ago I owned millions of tokens. At the time, it was a pure meme token that most agreed would not go anywhere. I ended up selling to Ethereum and Bitcoin, but it would have been worth millions if I had kept it.

But we can’t get caught up in that.

Missing certain tokens is inevitable. As mentioned earlier. The cryptocurrency market is full of endless opportunities, and you are bound to miss out on a few of them. To succeed in this market, you have to accept that you can’t keep up with everything.

We just have to pick and choose wisely. The good thing is that we only need to try a few things to completely change our financial destiny.

The real regret everyone feels about cryptocurrencies is that they feel like they haven’t done enough.