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Danksharding: A groundbreaking update to Ethereum Sharding | by Oodles Blockchain | Coins | March 2024


Oodles Blockchain
Coin Monk

Ethereum scaling has been a trending topic for some time. Layer 2 solutions have been at the forefront of this fight, providing a way to process transactions on the main chain, alleviating congestion and reducing fees. However, limitations of the L2 network reduce overall efficiency and scalability.

For example, Ethereum can process up to 15 transactions per second. Introducing Danksharding, a revolutionary upgrade and next-level solution to increase the potential of L2. This helps match Ethereum for scalability.

This key Ethereum evolution concept promises to significantly improve network capacity. Danksharding, or proto-danksharding, following the implementation of EIP-4844 transforms the infrastructure and enables over 100,000 transactions per second.

What is sharding?

The term ‘sharding’ basically means dividing the blockchain network into smaller segments called ‘shards’.

Therefore, each shard operates autonomously, processing transactions for a specific group and executing smart contracts independently of other shards. Ethereum increases network capacity and prevents congestion through sharding. Therefore, each shard can process transactions and manage contracts in parallel, significantly increasing network throughput. This approach has the potential to significantly improve Ethereum’s scalability, allowing it to process larger amounts of transactions and accommodate a growing user base.

Sharding also improves efficiency and resiliency by dividing the workload into multiple shards. This distributed approach reduces the burden on individual nodes, enables better resource allocation, and reduces the risk of attacks or single points of failure.

What is Danshading?

Danksharding, a term coined in honor of Ethereum researcher Dankrad Feist, is more than just a sharding upgrade. In Danksharding, the network has only one block proposer instead of having multiple block proposers across shards. This streamlined structure simplifies transactions within network shards and presents a more efficient roadmap for Ethereum scalability. We use data availability sampling to increase the efficiency of the network.

How does Danksharding work?

Let’s simplify the working of the dank sharding concept into several steps.

1. Proponent/Constructor Separation Blocking System (PBS):

The PBS system specifically bids for the right to create a single block proposer system. This involves two different roles within the network. Block builders compete by bidding for the opportunity to create blocks. Based on these bids, the proposer selects the highest bid for a valid block header, thus reducing the processing burden on the verifier.

2. Data availability sampling:

Second, data availability sampling occurs. This is a technology where nodes check large amounts of data by examining samples rather than processing the entire data. This method improves the capacity and speed of the Ethereum network, helping with scaling and optimization efforts.

3. DANKSharding and ProtoDANKSharding:

Ultimately, the concept of Danksharding aims to increase scalability by dividing the workload, but its complexity takes time to implement. To solve this problem, Ethereum introduced EIP-4844 or proto-danksharding, a simpler version later called proto-danksharding. This streamlined approach accelerates Ethereum’s scalability initiatives.

How is Danksharding different from traditional Sharding?

In a traditional sharded blockchain network, every node must process every transaction to ensure the legitimacy and smooth running of the network. However, as the number of transactions on the network increases, bottlenecks can occur, which can lead to slower block confirmations and higher gas fees. These effects can disrupt the activities of network participants.

Danksharding offers a new approach or new architecture to sharding in the cryptocurrency world. Unlike traditional sharding methods, danksharding utilizes a unified market fee approach. “Integrated Market Fee ApproachIn cryptocurrency, ” likely refers to the fee structure used by cryptocurrency exchanges or platforms that consolidates the fees for buying and selling assets into a single fee. Therefore, traditional sharding involves dividing the blockchain into smaller parallel chains. Fragments, effectively improves scalability. However, dank sharding takes this further by introducing a single block proposer system, or proposer/builder split blocks (PBS).

Traditional sharding and danksharding

Proto-Danksharding vs. Danksharding

Ethereum developers have been working on solutions for some time, and Danksharding is the most recent solution. Proto-danksharding, or Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP-484), an intermediate step towards full dank sharding, uses ephemeral storage called data blobs to reduce rollup storage costs. This introduces a new transaction type to Ethereum that allows “chunks” of data to persist on a beacon node for a short period of time. These blobs are temporary chunks of transactional data that the L2 network can utilize to process them efficiently and flexibly. These changes are compatible with Ethereum’s expansion roadmap.

Based on the information provided, here’s a comparison between Danksharding and Proto-Danksharding:

Proto-Danksharding vs. Danksharding

In summary, Danksharding aims to significantly improve the scalability of Ethereum. At the same time, Proto-Danksharding is a temporary solution focused on reducing transaction costs and improving transaction speed as a step toward full scalability.

Benefits of Danksharding on Ethereum

Let’s look at the practical benefits of applying the Danksharding process to the Ethereum L2 network.

1. Minimum gas fee

The economic model within the sharding architecture can create a healthy and competitive fee market by incentivizing validators and participants to keep gas fees low and viable.

2. Infinitely scalable solution

Danksharding addresses a major concern of the Ethereum network: scalability. Advanced scalability solutions have been developed to improve the performance of the Ethereum platform. This helps address issues of low scalability and high transaction costs by improving network capacity to handle a wide range of transactions.

3. Uncompromising smart contract functionality

Non-negotiable smart contract functionality refers to the ability to operate effectively and reliably without compromising the core functionality or functionality of the smart contract. This means ensuring that smart contracts can execute their intended logic accurately, securely, and autonomously, regardless of the size or complexity of the blockchain network on which they operate.

4. Well-optimized transaction throughput and dynamic resource allocation

By efficiently allocating resources across shards, Danksharding ensures transactions are processed in the most cost-effective manner, reducing overall gas bills for users.

Benefits of Danksharding on Ethereum


DankSharding is actually a significant advancement in Ethereum’s scalability solutions, providing an authentic and sophisticated approach to improve transaction speed, performance, and throughput. This is an important upgrade that every Ethereum user, cryptocurrency enthusiast, developer, investor or hobbyist should be aware of. Featuring advanced sharding blockchain technology, Danksharding represents a significant step forward in Ethereum’s journey and praises its status as a leader in the cryptocurrency world.

Are you interested in implementing a danksharding process, strengthening your business and increasing efficiency? Contact an experienced Ethereum developer today to experience one of the best Ethereum development services.