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Crew Packs and Star Atlas Airdrops Coming in August. Important Dates, Usefulness in SAGE Labs, and More! | Star Atlas | Star Atlas | July 2024

Star Atlas
Star Atlas

Crew Packs are officially launching on August 13th, and they come with some very important dates and airdrops! Get your calendars and notepads out and get ready to write down dates and important information. In this article, we’ll walk you through when and how the following airdrops and utilities will shake up the entire Star Atlas ecosystem! If you don’t know what Crew Packs are, this article will teach you everything you need to know. here.

In this article, we’ll go through a timeline of the key dates related to the Crew Card campaign, along with other important details about how things will unfold. However, if you’re already familiar with the Crew Card and have only seen the dates, there’s no need to wait any longer.

  • August 8 (3pm EST): Ship Owner Snapshot
  • August 9: Crew packs and ship components delivered to ship owners
  • August 13: Crew Pack sales and opening experience launch
  • August 20: Added crew support to SAGE Labs

For everyone else, let’s take a closer look at each step so you have all the information you need to build the ultimate fleet and prosper for your adventures in the Galia Expanse!

The upcoming airdrop snapshot is coming to ship owners, and you don’t want to miss it! For those of you who are confused about what a snapshot is, here’s the lowdown. A snapshot is like a picture of your assets on the blockchain. If you have purchased and own a Star Atlas ship, you are eligible to receive an airdrop of crew packs and ship components, subject to the correct conditions listed below.

To be eligible for the snapshot and subsequent airdrop, your ship must be in one of the following:

  • A player wallet (cold wallet or hot wallet) on the Solana blockchain.
  • Star Atlas Faction Fleet Program.
  • Star Atlas SAGE Labs.
  • Star Atlas Galactic Market.

Players who have their fleets deployed to other programs at the time of the snapshot (e.g. Third-party apps such as escrow services and marketplaces, You are not eligible to qualify.

This snapshot occurs next. August 8th at approximately 3pm EST. More details on the logic behind the airdrop are below.

There are two items that we will airdrop to the ship owner’s inventory. One is Crew PackAnd the other one is Ship components. Let’s solve them one by one.

We are airlifting approximately 2.5 million crew members to existing ship owners. Yes, you are right, and there is some logic to this that is important to understand. Each ship comes with a current crew, which can be found in the item details of each ship in the Galactic Marketplace. For each crew member included in the ship, you will receive one crew pack containing one crew member.

As with the full crew packs with 5 crew members, these single crew packs can come with Silver, Gold, or Platinum odds. The rarity of the ship is what determines which type of crew pack you get in the airlift.

  • General and non-general vessels — Silver Single Crew Pack
  • A rare and magnificent ship — Gold Single Crew Pack
  • Legendary and Anomaly ships — Platinum Single Crew Pack

Along with the crew pack airlifts, we are also airlifting ship components in the form of “ship component bundles”.

As with crew members, when you click on a ship in the Galactic Marketplace, you can go to “Item Details” to find the components included in the ship. For these components, each ship can have its own “Component Bundle”. For example, the Fimbul Airbike comes with 11 components, including the “Power Core” and the Tractor Beam. You will receive all of these components as a “Fimbul Airbike Component Bundle”. This logic applies to all ships.

Every ship has a different “tier” of components required for airlift, read this article on ship components to see what tier your ship will receive.

Now that you understand what these airdrops are, let me give you a few housekeeping disclaimers and notices.

  • After this airdrop, ships will no longer come with crews and tier content and must be purchased separately. Ships acquired after the snapshot will require players to acquire crews in order to function in-game and will default to tier 0 content.
  • Ships sold on the Galactic Market after the snapshot date will no longer be eligible for crew or component bundle airdrops.

Finally, Crew Packs will be released on the Tuesday following the airdrop! It’s finally time to get and open your Crew Packs (yes, that includes the airdropped Crew Packs)! As a reminder, read this article to learn more about what Crew Packs are, what makes them so unique, and more.

When you open a pack, you can choose which faction you want to include in the pack. For example, if you are Ustur and choose Ustur, the pack will not include ONI and MUD crew members. Choose carefully!

When you open a Crew Pack, you can send your crew directly to SAGE Labs (more on this in the next section). If you do not send them to SAGE Labs, you can view all of your crew cards in the “My Crew Cards” tab. This tab allows you to read about your crew’s aptitudes, personalities, and more. Each crew card is a unique cNFT that exists in the Star Atlas universe!

Remember, your crew can also trade live on the same day! We work with powerful third-party marketplaces to make it seamless for your crew members to trade.

You’ll be able to filter and sell or acquire the traits, characteristics, and aptitudes you want right from launch, so stay tuned for the final surprise as we get closer to launch.

One of the first utilities to be introduced to the Crew Card will be added to SAGE Labs on August 20th! Now, When you play SAGE LabsPlease note the details below.

As previously explained, each crew member is now a separate and unique cNFT in the Star Atlas Universe, meaning they are no longer tied to a ship and are autonomous units. This will result in significant updates to SAGE Labs regarding crew operations, and will require your action.

In order to activate crews and disconnect from ships in SAGE Labs, you must disband all your fleets. You must disband your fleets by bringing them to your faction’s central space station before August 20th. Failure to do so will result in the fleets being forcibly disbanded. This means that any cargo that was in the fleet at the time of the forcibly disbanding will be lost. Don’t worry, you will have plenty of time to do this before the crew card utility becomes available in SAGE Labs.

To make it easier to bring crew to SAGE Labs, we are allowing you to deposit crew to SAGE Labs when you open packs! This is important, because if you don’t, you will have to deposit crew individually (which is a huge transaction and fees!). If you plan on bringing crew to SAGE Labs, take advantage of this feature!