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Big XR news from Apple, IDC, Innoactive, and HPE

The XR space has a lot to offer, and as more companies enter the industry as software or hardware solution providers, the use cases for XR will expand. Whether it’s 3D environments or user tracking data, the power of XR and spatial computing data is undeniable. 3D Services is working hard to elevate the future of our industry and work towards a deeper understanding of the world around us.

Even if your company isn’t currently using VR or virtual meeting spaces, XR data will still play a critical role in transforming our work. It’s very exciting to see the advancements and innovations that new technological solutions bring.

Will Apple Vision Pro debut in China?

Tim Cook, Apple CEO and spatial computing championIt has been confirmed that the recently launched Apple Vision Pro will arrive in China in 2024.

Apple plans to increase investment in local partners in China, who already work with the company to make device parts and control its supply chain. The CEO is visiting China due to declining iPhone sales. This follows similar news from Samsung, which is reporting declining smartphone sales and is investing more in XR devices in response.

Cook’s most recent visit was the CEO’s third trip to China due to declining device sales, according to the report. Tencent is reportedly helping Apple Vision Pro reach the Chinese market by making some of its most popular apps available on the device.

According to The Information, marketing Apple Vision Pro wouldn’t have been easy without the support of one of China’s top tech companies. Apple Vision Pro is an MR headset that extends the usability of traditional computers and enables MR-based productivity apps by extending the 2D desktop screen into a 3D computing interface of the world around the user.

Tim Cook has confirmed that Apple plans to launch the Apple Vision Pro at the China Development Forum in Beijing later this year.

Cook said:

I am very confident about (China). I love China, I love being here, I love the people and the culture. Every time I come here, I am reminded that anything is possible here.

IDC predicts surge in AR and VR headset shipments

According to IDC, the rise of MR is expected to significantly increase shipments of AR and VR headsets. Although shipments of AR and VR headsets fell 23.5% last year, new data from IDC shows shipments are expected to increase 44.2% to 9.7 million units in 2024.

The recent Apple Vision Pro update and future products are also expected to contribute to growth, while global macroeconomic conditions are also expected to improve.

Jitesh Ubrani, Research Manager, Mobility and Consumer Device Tracker at IDC, spoke about some of the factors driving the AR and VR market:

The launch of Apple’s Vision Pro made a lot of headlines and increased awareness of AR and VR. It’s a price that’s out of reach for most people, but it helps raise the bar for competitors. Along with Apple, many companies like Meta and others have already started the journey from VR to mixed reality. Ultimately, it lays the foundation for a true AR experience.

VR headsets are expected to reach 24.7 million units by the end of 2028, representing a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 29.2%. VR sales are also growing, with use cases expanding from gaming to design, education, and more.

IDC trackers are updated monthly, quarterly, and semi-annually. Results are sent to the customer. Ramon T. Llamas, Research Director, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Program at IDCAdded:

With today’s experience, it will be interesting to see how the market develops and how end users adapt to it. Mixed reality (commonly referred to as MR, the ability for users to switch between augmented reality and virtual reality) was the exception and not the standard, but Apple shined a bright light on MR with Vision Pro.

XR cloud streaming breaks down corporate barriers

Daniel Seidl, CEO and founder of Innovative. Joined us on the XR demo floor at NVIDIA GTC for an exclusive interview with XR Today. He discussed the latest innovations in XR Cloud Streaming, how NVIDIA is transitioning into this segment, and the benefits for business customers.

Seidl believes that with the variety of RT3D engines available to enterprises, customers will choose the service that best suits their use cases. He also noted that Unreal and Unity “will try to catch up because the industry is very important to them.”

NVIDIA OpenUSD, the Omniverse file format, is a “game changer,” according to Seidl. He hopes OpenUSD will be adopted soon as it will help eliminate many of the problems plaguing the industry.

XR and spatial data streaming platforms are essential for introducing XR into the workplace. The file formats required for enterprise 3D collaboration tools are extensive and resource-intensive. In contrast, consumer XR use cases have much lower expectations for graphical fidelity and therefore require much smaller file formats.

However, higher graphics benchmarks are needed in industrial or enterprise workflows where every detail matters and the slightest error can result in significant financial loss. As a result, cloud streaming is becoming increasingly important as hardware requirements continue to increase due to the wide range of simulations and 3D files.

Seidl explains:

Our customers are large enterprises, and when they want to use XR to reach their users, the problem is always that the hardware isn’t there or it’s too complicated to get started. If we can break down these barriers and make VR solutions accessible through streaming, the use case will be much better as all a customer needs is a headset or office PC and they can stream it.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise launches Digital Twin as a Service Platform

HPE is building a new Digital Twin-as-a-Service (DTaaS) solution to help enterprise customers easily leverage spatial data and simulation services and introduce new use cases. Bahr Mahony, North American High-Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence Solutions Business Manager at HPE We spoke with XR Today onsite at the GTC Expo to discuss GTC’s new DTaaS products.

Mahoney said:

Digital twins allow companies to simulate real-world situations and specific outcomes to make better decisions. You can also reduce the risk of your business operations by accelerating time to value through active experimentation, scenario planning, and prototyping. What HPE has done is to develop solutions that can be leveraged by companies in virtually every industry. That’s because digital twins are being adopted for a variety of use cases to simulate assets and processes across a variety of industries.

Additionally, Mahony said that DTaaS Solutions enable HPE customers to It is an “established path” that provides enterprises with new DTaaS technologies and helps them transform their business operations to a digital platform.

Mahony also added:

This gives people the ability to start small and dip their toes in the water, rather than spending significant capital costs and diving in headfirst.

According to Mahony, customers can use the HPE GTaaS platform on-site or in a co-location facility. Mahony also noted that HPE can help customers identify potential applications for digital twin technology from a professional services perspective.

The HPE team helps create a high-level roadmap for integrating the technology into your workplace environment and provides proof-of-concept and deployment services. Additionally, Greenlake Managed Services allows HPE to manage the entire solution on your behalf.