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Axie Part Evolution is live!

key point

  • Axie evolution happens in real time. Go to App.Axie and place ingredients into Atia’s Flame to evolve Axie parts. Part Evolutions will change the Axie economy forever. This puts deflationary pressures on the axie population while also introducing a way to strengthen the bonds we share with ourselves.

  • Evolving an axis costs money. All you need is the right amount and type of material, an elevated axe, some AXS, and time. I’ll share a full overview of these costs below.

  • Introducing the Race to Evolution challenge! The first 10,000 evolved axes will have the opportunity to obtain the Radiant Spirit Shell and Origin axes. The first ax owner to evolve all six parts will also receive a mystical axe.

  • We’ve developed this section to help you create educational and promotional content. Information Kit.

Evolve your axes now

This is a moment we have been building up to for over six years. Axes can now evolve!

It all started with Chubby Circle in 2017.

The circle came to life and grew into an army of hundreds of axes, ready for battle.

Hundreds became thousands, and thousands became millions.

Axie is a ladder.

The Axie generation is getting better every day. We learn about new technologies. A new friend. We explore new cultures. We get down to business. We build.

Axie is about evolution.

For too long these dynamics have not been reflected in real axes.

Today, axies have become the first digital collectibles that evolve as you play.

Are you a visual and auditory learner? Watch the overview above!

Last week we shared information about ingredients, Garuda Shrine stores, and supplies. Make sure you understand how these parts work before jumping into the actual evolution! You can check the notice here. We’ve also increased the Axie level cap to 60, allowing anyone to evolve all six parts. Remember: You can evolve one new part every 10 levels. For example, this means your axie. ~ have to When you reach level 10, you evolve 1 part, when you reach level 20 you evolve 2 parts, when you reach level 30 you evolve 3 parts, and so on. Axies won’t be able to advance past level 30 until later this week. I hope tomorrow.

Here’s what you need to develop an axle part:

Note on reproduction: Evolved parts cannot be passed on to children. If you breed an Axi with upgraded parts, the child will inherit its parent’s level 1 base parts. All breeding calculations remain the same.

Evolve your axes now

Step 1: Find out what your axie needs to evolve

This includes the type and amount of materials, AXS fees, and required Ascension level. Read on to find out more.

Step 2: Prepare for Axie’s evolution

Make sure you have the right materials, promote your Axis, and set aside some AXS to provide evolutions.

Step 3: Go to Atia’s Flame in App.Axie.

This is the easy part! Go to App.Axie’s inventory, select the axie you want to evolve, then click “Manage axie.”

Step 4: Click “Ready to Generate”.

Pay for AXS products and required materials. Then just wait for the parts to evolve!

Bonus Step: Evolving normally takes 4 days (96 hours), but if you put double the ingredients into Atia’s Flame, it will evolve instantly.

Evolve your axes now

Evolution: The gradual development of something, often from simple to more complex forms.

Evolution takes time and effort, but it can be one of the most rewarding experiences gained from using axes. Making this happen requires materials, AXS and time. You’ll also need an Ascendant Axis, as an Axis can only evolve one part per Ascendant. For example, an Axi can evolve one part at level 10, two parts at level 20, three parts at level 30, and so on. This means you need to earn AXP and promote your Axi. before Head to the Flame of Atia to evolve.

Here’s how it works:

Material (Memento) Cost

There is only one way to evolve an axie. Material contributions must be brought to Atia’s Flame on App.Axie. Because only the flame of Atia can release the soul trapped within. The table above shows the cost of evolving a single part. The axie’s first part evolution requires 100 materials, while the sixth (and final) part evolution requires 1013 materials. Make sure you have the right kind of ingredients. Beast parts require Beast Memorabilia, and plant parts require Plant Memorabilia. This means that you will need 100 Beast Memorabilia to evolve a level 1 Beast Part. Using 50 Beast Memorabilia and 50 Plant Memorabilia will not work.

AXS Cost

There is an AXS fee pegged to the USD value required to advance Axie parts. For example, the first part evolution of an axie costs $2 in AXS, the second part costs $4 in AXS, and the third part costs $8 in AXS. We peg our fees to USD to prevent the fluctuating AXS price from becoming a barrier to evolution. 100% of the cost of each part evolution goes to Axie Treasury. Check the chart above for more details.

How long does it take to evolve?

Evolution of an axle component takes 96 hours or 4 days. This also applies to Normal, Collectible, and Mystic Axes. However, players can pay 200% of the material cost to evolve it immediately. For example, if normal evolution requires 100 materials + AXS fee, instant evolution requires 200 materials + AXS fee. Instant evolution can be an attractive option for players looking to evolve during the Origins era or mid-season.

Evolve your axes now

We airdropped Radiant Spirit Shells to a few wallets in November, and you can also get them through the Garuda Shrine Store.

Radiant Spirit Shells are formed when an axie’s soul becomes trapped in a chunk of Radiant Gold. The fascinating properties of Radiant Spirit Shells make them rare and valuable collectibles in Lunacia. They are also required to evolve collectible axle parts. This means you’ll need a Radiant Spirit Shell to evolve the Mystic, Japanese, Xmas, Summer, Shiny, and Agamogenic parts.

Good news: There are three ways to obtain Radiant Spirit Shells.

• Each time you climb a mystic axe, you receive one.

• Obtain 1 from Garuda Shrine store – link

• Buy from the App.Axie Marketplace – link

Radiant Spirit Shell is an ERC-1155 token.

Evolve your axes now

What would an Axie launch be like without fierce, friendly competition? Introducing the Race to Evolution challenge! Owners of the first 10,000 axes to evolve a part will have the opportunity to obtain one of five Origin axes and one of ten Radian Spirit Shells. This means that you can receive one of these prizes as soon as you evolve a part. But there’s more!

The owner of the first ax to evolve all six parts will receive a mystical axe.

Read again – Mystic. Axi. What are you waiting for? Let’s evolve!

Axies won’t be able to advance past level 30 until later this week. I hope tomorrow.

Evolve your axes now

Join us for a town hall with Jiho, Shade, and pos2 on the Axie Discord at 11PM PHST/10AM EST!

One thing becomes clearer every day. Axie is the next Axie. We were the first community to bring Web3 games to millions of people through the invention of Play-to-Earn. Today we are re-enacting vertical progression and dynamic NFTs through partial evolution.

A vertical development system through dynamic NFT will be a key component that opens a new era of immersion and economic balance in NFT games. In 2021, it was a non-existent system that prevented Axie and all web3 games from reaching their full potential. It may be too early, but the system is now ready. The loop is complete. Now we can balance the axi population with the emotional synchronization of tokens, time, and technology.

Thank you for being part of our movement. Axie development is nowhere near complete, but today marks the fulfillment of a dream we’ve had for six years.

Enter the flame.

We know there’s a ton of information out there about this release. We’ve developed this section to help you create educational and promotional content. Information Kit.

Evolve your axes now

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