Crypto Gloom

Axie Classic Development Update – March 2024

Guilds are like virtual families that bring players together and make the game more interesting. For six years, Axie Infinity has not had this virtual family feature built into the game. Now is the time to change that.

We’re excited to announce that Axie Classic is coming to Guilds this month.

Building community. Guilds create a sense of belonging and camaraderie among players. Together they support each other, share tips, and celebrate success. Guild chat will be added in the future to promote friendship within the guild!

Guild Axi Vault. Joining a guild means players can share axes, learn new strategies, and work together to climb higher on the guild leaderboard. A comprehensive support article for Axie Vault will be published on launch day. It guides you through the entire process of setting up and using Vault.

Guild Treasury. When a guild accomplishes something great, everyone shares in the rewards. This is like winning together and makes the game more rewarding. During season reward distribution, 70% is automatically distributed to all guild members based on guild point contribution. The remaining 30% is stored in the guild vault managed by the guild leader and guild commander.

Guild updates will be rolled out in two phases. The first phase is scheduled to launch on March 7, and if all goes as planned, the second phase is expected to be released by the end of the month.

Stage 1 (March 7)

  • Players can create and join guilds. Guilds will start earning Guild XP, but leveling up will not be available yet.

  • Player achievements are displayed in real time. Guild leaders and commanders can use this to evaluate potential members’ suitability to join the guild.

  • Guild Axie Vault is activated.

  • Classic portal will be upgraded to support AXS/SLP deposits and withdrawals.

  • Registration for the Grand Tournament is now open.

Step 2 (end of month)

  • Guild Leaderboard Season 1, where you can earn AXS rewards, begins. Yes, that’s right. AXS leaderboard rewards from Axie Classic are returning, starting with the guild leaderboard.

  • The knockout rounds of the grand tournament have begun.

Win the Grand Tournament and the Cursed Colosseum to earn Guild XP and Guild Points..

😀 Guild pre-registration has begun! Pre-register now to upload your own guild avatar and get invited to the guild leader Discord!

Let’s recreate Origins UI elements based on Classic UX. This step is required to enable Part Evolution gameplay using the new mixer.

We recognize the nostalgic value of classic art and understand that some players may have difficulty transitioning from it. To accommodate this, we are considering implementing a toggle function in app.axie to allow players to see their axes in classic art.

Our main goal is to initially attract web3 and Ronin gamers and then branch out to a wider audience.

Web3 players include: Casual players, competitive players, and collector. We are establishing guilds to help different types of players.

  • Helps casual players become competitive players by giving them more axes to play with.

  • Allows casual players to contribute to guilds and receive rewards in return.

  • Help collection owners level up their collections with Guild Axie Vault.

Only some of the web2 players will switch to web3. We need to improve this significantly. To address this, our strategy includes:

  • Publish your game to the store to increase accessibility.

  • Give web2 players a chance to try the game through axie delegation or Guild Axie Vault.

  • It introduces simple game modes like PvE before progressing to more difficult modes like Arena and CC.

Our balancing efforts aim for stability and bug-free gameplay, while introducing new experiences through horizontal and vertical progression.

  • Horizontal progression: Features like a Colosseum, a guild system, and a potential 2vs2 mode. (we are at this stage)

  • Vertical progression: Includes component upgrade designs (emphasis on preventing power creep) and consumables that do not disproportionately affect the outcome of battles.

There are currently nearly 12 million Axies on Lunacia. It is important to focus on increasing utility rather than increasing population.

  • SLP will see a shift towards increased burning rather than casting.

    • After the classic comeback, 8.5 million SLP was deposited through the portal.

    • 6.2 million SLPs were burned in Premium Coliseum.

    • Axie Classic maintains a mint-to-burn ratio of 1:2. For each SLP released, 2 SLPs are burned. On the other hand, in 2021, the combustion to casting ratio is 1:6.7, which means that for every 1 SLP burned, 6.7 SLP are emitted.

  • AXS will be distributed as a reward token to top performers on both guild and individual leaderboards, with additional allocations for esports and tournaments. Personal leaderboards are currently in development.

  • AXP and Gold are used as essential progression rewards to advance in the game.

To conclude, this update marks an important milestone in Axie Classic’s journey. The introduction of Guilds, Guild Axie Vaults, and the return of AXS rewards in Season 1 of the Guild Leaderboard heralds an exciting chapter ahead.

The long-awaited return of the Axie Classic is a dream come true for our community. None of this would have been possible without the leadership of Classic’s unsung heroes, led by PaladinIII and his incredible team.

Axie Classic is still in an experimental and iterative phase. Many aspects can evolve rapidly over time. We are constantly striving to innovate and improve, which may result in frequent changes to game features.

Community is the beginning and the end. We value your feedback, so please share your thoughts on X or write a post in our classic feedback forum on Discord. Thank you for joining our adventure.

See you next month. May the decision always be in your favor! ⚔️