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Axie Classic Competitive Season 5 has begun!

Key points:

  • Axie Classic Competitive Season 5 is here! Total rewards of 35.6K AXS. 4 weeks. 1 slot to compete in the Axie World Cup. Guilds can also earn placement points for the next Guild Wars. All competitive leaderboards will be live until September 19th at 8AM PH / 8PM EST.

  • Mini Tournaments are back until September 26th. Daily prize pools, shift times, battle limits, and GP rewards have been adjusted.

  • Introducing the Colosseum Chest! This is a new item that can be obtained in the Cursed Colosseum. Get Free Spins or Relics from the new chest. We also updated the Golden Wheel and introduced the start of Axie Classic Reputation Points to reward dedicated players with AXS and SLP.

  • The S5 Battle Pass is now available! Climb the ranks and earn relics and gold. Purchase the Premium Pass for exclusive Lantern Legend A chance to win banners, AXS and SLP rewards. All Mystic Axie owners get a 50% discount on Premium Pass purchases.

  • The new Axie Classic site is here! This is your one-stop destination for everything Axie Classic. Classic guides, tools, leaderboards, and Competitive Circuit information are all in one place. Share with friends who want to learn or play Axie Classic again. Visit the site here.

Axie Classic Competitive Season 5 is here! Total rewards 35.6K AXS. 4 weeks. 1 slot to compete in the Axie World Cup. S5 is more than just a new season. A new era for Axie Classic has begun. Today we’re launching the Axie Classic website. Your hub for all things Classic, including the Card Explorer, Leaderboards, World Cup Rankings, and more. In this article, you’ll get an overview of the new features, including Mini Tournaments, the Golden Wheel, and the return of the S5 Battle Pass. Let’s get started!

Play Axie Classic

There’s a whopping 35.6K AXS up for grabs during S5! The leaderboards have been reset and MMRs have been reverted back to square one. Here’s an overview of the rewards:

  • Mini Tournament: 14,000 AXS (500 AXS per day for 4 weeks)

  • Golden Wheel: 5,600 AXS (200 AXS per day for 4 weeks)

  • Guild Leaderboard: 10,000 AXS

  • Guild Milestone: 3,000 AXS

  • Season Championship: 3,000 AXS

Total AXS for Competitive Season 5 is 35,600.

We launched the Axie Classic Guild Leaderboard in March, and since then Lunacians have joined forces in the arena. During Classic Competitive Season 5, guilds will compete for a share of the 10,000 AXS prize pool. and 3,000 AXS from the Guild Milestone. The top 8 guilds will also receive placement points for the next Guild Wars. The leaderboard closes on September 19th at 8am PH / 8am EST, so you have 3 weeks to compete for these rewards!

Pro Tip: Guild Banners are now available! Fly your guild flag high and strike fear into the hearts of your rivals ⚔️

The S5 Season Championship combines three opportunities into one: additional AXS rewards, Lunacian glory, and entry into the Axie Classic World Cup. The prize pool is 3,000 AXS, a 50% increase from last season. Here’s how to qualify:

  • Group 1: The top 16 players on the Arena Leaderboard will advance to the Season Championship.

  • Group 2: Players ranked 17th to 100th on the Arena Leaderboard will compete in individual tournaments until only 16 remain.

  • Season Champions: The 32 players from Group 1 and Group 2 will compete in the Season Championship.

NOTE: The Arena Leaderboard will close at the same time as the Guild Leaderboard on September 19th at 8:00 AM PH / 8:00 PM EST. All players’ MMR will be frozen at that time.

Mini Tournaments are back with a new look and some updates. Here’s what’s new:

  • We have moved the 200 AXS paid out as daily rewards to the Golden Wheel AXS prize pool, adjusting the daily prize pool to 500 AXS (or 250 AXS per shift).

  • Each shift is now 13 hours long, with some overlap to ensure smooth transitions between shifts.

  • Draws no longer count towards the total number of battles.

  • Updated battle limits and Guild Points (GP) per victory.

  • This season’s mini-tournament will begin on August 30th at 8:00 AM Philippine Standard Time/8:00 PM EST and end on September 26th at 8:00 AM Philippine Standard Time/8:00 PM EST.

We’ve also made some minor adjustments to the MMR system for Master and Challenger ranks. Only the top tiers will be converted to the old rank system. Finally, we’ve reduced the MMR change penalty by 50% starting at Master rank.

NOTE: New Guild Members will now have to wait until the end of the next day to receive GP. This change is intended to prevent abuse of guild moves and ensure a level playing field for everyone.

We’ve made some major updates to the Cursed Arena in S5, including tweaks to Guild Points rewards, the introduction of Arena Chests, Golden Wheel upgrades, and even the implementation of Axie Classic reputation scores. Let’s take a look at them one by one.

Colosseum Chests are new items that players can obtain in the Colosseum. They can contain either Relics or Golden Wheel Spin Tickets, and Colosseum Chest slots replace Colosseum Tickets. This means that players will now need at least one empty Colosseum Chest slot instead of Colosseum Tickets to start a new session. If all slots are full, players will need to unlock and open the Colosseum Chest to free up one slot and activate another Cursed Colosseum session.

Rerolling the Golden Wheel now requires Gems instead of SLP. Players can also obtain free Spin Tickets from the Coliseum Chest, or if their reputation score is high enough, they can earn both AXS and SLP rewards!

We also introduced the first iteration of the Axie Classic Reputation Score. The purpose of this system is to reward positive behavior and discourage negative behavior. For example, players with a high Reputation Score can win SLP and AXS from the Golden Wheel. However, players who violate the Axie Classic Governing Rules will have their Reputation Score lowered and access to some Axie Classic features restricted.

The S5 Battle Pass is here! The Premium Pass is packed with extras, including AXS, SLP, and even an exclusive Lantern Legends banner. All players will have access to the Standard Pass, which will allow you to earn gold and artifacts as you rank up. Mystic Axis owners can also purchase the Premium Pass at a 50% discount.

Have your friends ever asked you, “Where can I learn more about Axie Classic?” Perhaps they dream of joining the digital nation but don’t know where to start. Our new Axie Classic site is the answer. Introducing your one-stop shop for everything classic! Check out card explorers, leaderboards, World Cup info, external tools, and more. Everything a classic player needs, all in one place. Check it out now!

Visit the Axie Classic site

Get ready for a whole new private tournament experience with Artifacts! We’ve added Artifact options to private tournaments. Tournament hosts can now adjust the maximum level cap for Artifacts if they so choose.

Creator Codes are now available! If you’ve applied for a Creator Code and been approved, check your email for instructions on how to activate it. Applicants for this season will receive an email when they’re approved before the start of the next season. For more information, read the Axie Classic Creator Code Guide.

Learn more about Classic Creator Code

Additionally, players will now be able to change the Creator Code they wish to support each time a new season begins.

  • Added option to purchase Box Boosters to the home screen.

  • Added the ability to convert escrowed tokens into withdrawable tokens for a small fee (10% for SLP, 5% for AXS).

  • Added in-game withdrawal confirmation message.

The UI for the following items has been revamped:

  • The Cursed Colosseum

  • Individual Tournament

  • Withdrawal screen

  • Guild Home Screen

  • Mini Tournament UI.

  • Fixed a bug where cards attacking the furthest axis would always attack the axis on top.

  • Fixed a bug where the Spike Throw card would target the wrong Stink when the enemy’s Stink had the “Stink” effect.

  • Fixed a bug where Scale Dart cards would not gain energy when there was a buff on another axis.

  • Fixed a bug with the Sticky Goo card, where the stun icons would show up in the wrong order and get stuck forever. This also applies to other cards with stun effects.

Last season, we banned some players who violated our competitive integrity standards. Since then, we’ve listened to community feedback and worked with the Lunacians in the Guild Leader Discord to establish clear guidelines.

In collaboration with the guilds, we have established new rules for win trading, circuit bans, and guild bans. We have established a post-season review process that will take into account the community’s feedback. We have also discussed the World Cup rules with the guild leaders and have come to the following agreement:

  • The winning guild will only get a maximum of two slots in the World Cup. If they win a third slot, that slot will go to the next guild.

  • Players who participated in previous Guild Wars can play again in the next Guild Wars.

  • The guild owns the slot. It is up to the guild to decide who to send to the World Cup. However, they should prioritize players who helped them get the slot.

  • World Cup representatives must have at least 5,000 Guild Points by the end of each of the 12 seasons.

Study these rules. The purpose of these rules is to keep the Axie Classic Competitive Circuit area fun, fair, and competitive. See below:

Read the Competition Circuit Management Rules

Read the Guild Wars Management Rules

If you are a guild leader or commander, please fill out the form below to join the guild leader discord.

Fill out the Guilder Leader Discord Form

Axie Classic continues to sprint forward, and there’s only one season left until the next Guild Wars. Whether you’re competing for Lunacian glory, competing for tasty rewards, or just having fun with Axie, the Classic S5 Arena awaits you. See you in the Arena! ⚔️

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