Crypto Gloom


Be a play tester


  • AXIE Infinity Introduction: ATIA’s LegacyMMO set on Lunacia’s AXIE University! Make a friend. Construct the army. Cross the open world. Be a legend. It will be released on mobile and PC soon!

  • Pre -registration for play tests now: Go Pre -registration. Recommend friends and create content and get axes and axes! If everything proceeds as planned, the play test opportunity will live in summer and the end of the year.

  • Game Play Details: ATIA’s legacy will show the power and potential of the player ownership of the ecosystem. The initial repetition of the game begins by setting the core gameplay function, and the guild war and social adjustment will be the final game content. Details below.

Luna Xia was once a place where the gods wandered around the ground and broke through the clouds and swimmed the sea. After the centuries, Luna Xia ripened for rebuilding.

Renaissance is waiting. Explore the shadow of the world of dreams of ancient ruins, mysterious forests, and nightmares. Find a new creature that keeps and protects Luna’s secrets. Build a house, village, community and army.

Protect Luna Sia. Defend Aria’s legacy. Infinite bounty gestures.

We are pleased to present a vision for the MMO set to AXIE Infinity: Atia ‘S Legacy -Lunacia’s AXIE University! This game has been developed since May 24, and today’s trailer release is the first public preview we shared.

The last thing our team felt in this way was when we had the fastest knowledge in 2018. Before we started this exciting adventure together, we thought we would draw a picture of what we set to build.

Be a play tester

We started making AXIE seven years ago, and it was clear that the game would have changed forever at that time. Ragtag missionaries have become exercise, and digital countries blur the boundaries between games and physical reality.

Seven years later, the number is shaking.

• With a volume of 4B or more, we have posted Guinness World records.

• AXIE owner, more than 2m of AXIE, and many people found encryption for the first time through AXIE.

• Active players of 270,000 months, and the most valuable NFT IP invented in encryption

Now we are ready for the next challenge. Over the years, we were able to see a collective dream of AXIE. A world we can socialize. Make a friend. Combat. Participate in real economic results and war.

Aria’s legacy will be a monument of this vision.

We have learned a lot over the years in trials faced with glorious victory and exercise. All of this scar tissue enters Aria’s legacy.

Some principles we set ourselves are:

  • The game should be a cross platform and mobile from the beginning.

  • The game must have social adjustment and war to ensure enough end game content and lay the foundation for a powerful economy.

  • This is a game that a close friend plays together. It also needs to be helped to create something new

  • This game should show the power and potential of the player -owned assets of the ecosystem through deep integration with the existing AXIE NFT and the economy.

  • Art must be breathtaking and worthy of AXIE University.

Be a play tester

If everything goes smoothly, you can see directly in the playable alpha at the end of this year. This alpha will show some main features.

Along with the battle of shared equipment and bones, we lead the squad of four axes and allies through real -time battles.

Experience the simplified leveling system in which the squad grows together to experience new abilities and new abilities and equipment that crosses the new ability and the legendary.

We will jump into the world of heartless missions and side quests. Learn more about ancient secrets and become a legend of Luna Sia.

Collect data from adventure to craft, upgrade and decorate your home.

Designed for real -time player connections, meet, chat, and set your strategy in a bustling town hub designed for connection.

In the nightmare area, the axis changes and forms a war party to pursue a rare treasure.

Call all Lunacians from players to collectors, producers and beyond it! Please recommend a friend to pre -register ATIA’s legacy and register the content in advance. There are over 25K axes and mysterious axes across three individual awards. The operation method is as follows.

Step 1: Join the pre -registration on the official website here

Step 2: Find a unique recommended link after joining

Step 3: Step 3: Invite a friend using a unique recommended link

Step 4: Reach the registration milestone to unlock the larger compensation.

The top 200 recommenders share some of the A ~ 25,000 AXS reward pool!

All successful recommendations also get a lottery ticket to get AXIE NFT.

You can also reward you by creating content and hosting a trailer watch party! There are 3 origin fluid, 45 Japanese dishes and an additional award consisting of 450 axes!

Full contest details

Register pre -registered for alpha access and get up to two premiere tickets on the bounty board. Start here.

We are aiming for two play tests for the most passionate supporters this year. One is in the summer, the other is near the end of the year as a holiday gift.

The trailer is rendered to Unity with a unique art style.

Auto-Battles (2018) taught people that people want real-time combat and objection of many blockchain elements.

Classic (2019) taught people that people like AXIE and play for real economic results. Project K (2020)

Origins (2022) taught that the integration of AXIE CORE can lead a strong economy. The collection must be high. Forcing a competitive game in a game that needs a balance can be unproductive.

Hometown (2023) taught us to go to social characteristics and battle first. Mobile compatibility should be thought of from the beginning.

whacker. ATIA’s Legacy’s Axie Economy will emphasize the potential of player -owned assets.


Also yes!

This is because he hired TRIPP as a general actor who shows the function of MMO. In the game itself, the player can be the player control squad leader among all axes (and other creatures).

Today is the beginning of a new trip. There will be many moments to celebrate and you should always expect. ATIA’s legacy will create a new way and open a new door for all of us. Let’s keep pushing.

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