Crypto Gloom

Smart Contract Security: Sad Attack Vectors | Posted by ahmew.eth | Coins | January 2024

Smart contracts are susceptible to various types of vulnerabilities, which can be categorized into three main categories: coding vulnerabilities, cryptographic vulnerabilities, and design vulnerabilities. Coding vulnerabilities are caused by errors or bugs in the code, such as logic flaws or improper input validation. Cryptographic vulnerabilities result from weaknesses in the cryptographic algorithms used to secure smart contracts. Design vulnerabilities, on the other hand, result from poor architectural choices or inadequate threat modeling. By understanding these vulnerabilities, developers can take proactive steps to prevent exploitation and protect the integrity of smart contracts.

Sad attack vector

One of the often overlooked threats to smart contract security is plaguing attack vectors. Griefing Attack refers to malicious activity aimed at disrupting or disrupting the intended functionality of a smart contract. These attacks exploit vulnerabilities in contract design or the underlying blockchain platform to cause financial loss or reputational damage. Mourning attacks can take many forms, including spamming contracts with unnecessary transactions, consuming excessive resources by manipulating contract state, or intentionally causing undesirable outcomes. As smart contracts become more prevalent in critical industries such as finance and supply chain, understanding and mitigating gripping attack vectors becomes paramount.

Insufficient Gas Lament

SWC Code: 126

Gas is an essential component of the Ethereum blockchain that ensures the execution of smart contracts. It serves as a unit to measure the computational effort required to perform a specific task on the blockchain. Every operation in a smart contract consumes a certain amount of gas, which is paid using Ether. The purpose of gas is to assign a cost to each operation, preventing infinite loops and resource depletion.

Insufficient gas gripping is a vulnerability in smart contracts that allows malicious actors to exploit the gas estimation mechanism. When a transaction is executed, the sender must estimate the gas required for the transaction to complete successfully. If the sender underestimates the gas, the transaction may run out of gas and revert the state. This may result in loss of funds or unintended behavior in the smart contract.

Let’s go 🌳

The “execute” function within the “Griefing” contract takes a bytes parameter, assigns that parameter to true in the “executed” mapping, and then initiates an external call to the “Target” contract without checking for success.

An attacker can supply a minimal amount of gas suitable to transition the byte execution state to true without activating any external calls. Nonetheless, due to lack of verification, contracts proceed as if everything is normal.

Best Practices

  1. Check the expected return value of the external call, if any.
  2. Estimate the gas cost required to run the entire function and external calls, and use the “require” statement to determine if the supplied gas is sufficient to run them.


Smart contracts offer tremendous potential for innovation and efficiency, but they also pose inherent security risks. In particular, SAD attacks pose a serious threat to the integrity and adoption of smart contracts. By understanding the different types of vulnerabilities and implementing strong security measures, developers can mitigate the risk of griefing attacks and ensure the long-term success of the smart contract ecosystem. As technology continues to advance, it is essential to remain vigilant, adapt to new threats, and foster a culture of security within the smart contract community.

See you soon, take care of your health πŸŽ„