Crypto Gloom

Cajsa’s Top 5 Posts for 2023, including historical and cinematic cosplay, sad robots, and buskers from Second Life

Zakk Bifrandt SL Flickr Caravan Photo

Kaza Lilyhook Covering the best screenshot art and digital paintings from the virtual world.

My favorite columns of 2023 begin with this early column with some great photos by Zakk Bifrandt. You kindly explained it up to this point. How did he take this photo? His account has since been deleted, so this remains his awesome work.

Click here to see more of my favorite columns.


A work inspired by Audrey Hepburn's dance scene in the movie 'Funny Face'

Peuxswau’s homage to Audrey Hepburn has been renewed. After my column with some beautiful tributes to her. To other artists. I love how she uses her SL to recreate and reimagine works from her past. I’ve had so much fun watching and following her work since then.


I enjoyed reading this series by Kiara Kane, and it was a fun column to write. I would like to see more adventures. The saddest and loneliest little robot.

Hello Delilah

I couldn’t find this photo when I highlighted the column. Busker in Second Life But it certainly fits the theme of the post. I enjoyed columns that focused on topics like musicians, rats and birds, or more esoteric topics like artillery, or underwater photography. It’s really fun to see SL residents getting excited about ideas.

She said: "We never felt bored".

Recently, intensively People inspired by movies Napoleon. Again, it’s fun to see how people take the same person and story and find different ways to portray it. It’s a recent photo, but it’s quite interesting.

These are some highlights from my column this year. I tend to like weird and quirky things, so if you have any ideas for next year. Message me on Flickr or tag me in a photo.

Check out all of Cajsa’s picks here.. follow Cajsa on Flickr, On Twitter, to her blogand Is that guy Ko-Fi?.

All images are copyrighted to the authors listed.

Suggest images and Flickr feeds to Cajsa: Cajsa’s Choices is dedicated to unique, artistic and innovative virtual world-based images and screenshots that showcase the medium as an art form and Second Life as a creative platform. (This is generally not the right image for a bingo card..) To nominate the best virtual world images, tag your photo with #CasjaNWN or add Cajsa Liliehook to your photo.

Cajsa Lilliehook has been a resident of Second Life for 16 years, where she runs a photography studio, was a DJ at The Velvet for many years, and worked as a trash sweeper in her first SL job. She co-founded and runs it. it’s just fashion She blogs with her best friend, Gidge Uriza. She also runs a book review blog. Tonston Weather Review And a cooking blog, Recipe for 1 serving. She spends a lot of time researching and reporting on: republican sex offender. In her first life, she was a retired grassroots leader and worked on economic and social justice issues throughout her life. She is also a minion of a cat named Nora.