Over the past few months, Lunacia has been charging up like the engines of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. Games DAA and MAA have begun. Bounty board participants are up. Collectible axi volume has been increased. In this State of the Union address, I will discuss why.
Axie games exceeded 87,000 DAA, and cumulative annual App.axie volume reached $25.6 million. These are real players who are transacting on-chain and have logged over 100 million matches in Origins and Classic combined since January. In Part 1, we’ll dive into these metrics and more.
Collectible axie trading volume has been trending upward over the past year. In Part 2, we’ll look at the reasons for this surge.
Lunasians, everyone. Today we want to share undeniable evidence that the digital nation has been charging up like the engines of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket over the past few months. We believe one of the reasons the Web3 summer is slow is because the hype is casting a shadow over the real developers in our space. But the sun always shines in Lunasia, and you can’t stay in the shade for long.
Games DAA and MAA have begun. Bounty board participants are up. Collectible axi volume has been increased. How did this happen? Why are users flocking to Axie? Let’s first zoom in to see the big picture, then zoom in to see the pieces that make up the puzzle.
Axie ecosystem MAA has steadily increased to 155,000 this year, and even hit over 210,000 during the Coinbase Learn and Earn campaign. This rise began in March following the introduction of Axie Classic to the guild. The numerous updates we delivered to Origins fueled this growth while Homeland maintained its core player base. It’s been a good year for Axie games.
Bounty Board is a quest system built into App.axie. Complete bounties and receive rewards. Last July premier The bounty board has doubled rewards and loaded new quests. What are the results? Gather. growth. There are now more bounty board participants than Axie players. This means our ecosystem appeals to more user archetypes than just gamers. Pro Tip: Many of the Premier Bounty Board quests reward different types of users. collector.
App.axie trading volume also reached $25.6 million. The June surge was the result of Coinbase’s Learn and Monetize campaign, where new hires discovered Axie for the first time.
Treasury revenues increased by an average of $300,000 per month. Selling Axi. Ascension and Evolution Fees. Buy runes and amulets. Brick by brick, small actions add up to big results.
Over the past nine months, millions of players and Axis have interacted with Lunacian smart contracts. We’ve even welcomed over 200,000 new hires! The only drop was the 200 million decrease in SLP supply. How did that happen? Origins’ new Meta Morph feature resulted in 15 million SLP being burned over two months.
Over the past few months, collectible axies have driven a growing percentage of App.axie transaction volume. There is a reason for this. The Meta Morph feature brought new utility to Mystic axies, the Premier Bounty Board offered rewards for completing collectible-related quests, and Part Evolution continued to require specific axie classes to be released. It also increased potential Fortune Slip production of collectible axies in October, but it is too early to track the impact.
Mystic Axes are the crown jewels of Lunacia, and there are only 1,337 of them in existence. As a result, sales volumes tend to be low and prices tend to be high. IRL holders also gathered for the Mystic Axie VIP Party in Singapore Token 2049 in September, kicking off a buying spree we call Mystic Madness.
Origin and MEO axie trading volumes also increased in the third quarter. This axis is perfect for Lunacians who want to store rare collectibles without spending money on Mystics. Over the past few months, holders have received offers slightly below the average transaction prices listed above. More sales, more liquidity.
Christmas, Japan and summer celebrations also posted solid numbers this quarter. Typically, the volume of trade in these collectibles has doubled this year alone. Many of these axes are released for parts or locked away for lucky slips.
Six years ago, axies were just lines of code and not art. Since then, they have become our digital companions. Collection. Even Gabo. This is what happens when continuous delivery meets a passionate community. Let’s keep pushing.