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Axie Delegation is live! – Lunasian

Key Points

  • Axie Delegation happens live on App.axie! Delegate NFT axes to other Lunacians, like scholarships. If all goes as planned, Axie Delegation will also be available in a variety of Axie games later this month. The delegation center is where delegated axes are managed. Bulk delegate, cancel and return here.

  • Admins, Axie Delegation allows you to bring idle axes to life! Earn AXP to rise and evolve faster. Scholars, Axie Delegation allows you to play as a more powerful Axie and earn more rewards without having to purchase a new Axie.

  • Axie Delegation has a unique meaning in each game. Think about it: Origins has collectible axi rewards, Classic has the guild feature, and Homeland uses both land plots. and axis. That’s why we’ve shared an overview of the initial integration plans for each game below. A more detailed explanation can be found in the support article. here.

Delegate Axies today

“Have a nice day, manager!”

A few years ago, these three words echoed across Discord servers around the world. Axie Infinity has worked with scholars and managers to bring Play-to-Earn to millions of gamers through a rental model. It was electric. Today we’re back with Axie Delegation!

Axie delegation is a feature built into App.axie. Delegate your Axie like a manager, or play with someone else’s Axie like a scholar. This initial release lays the foundation for reward splitting in Axie games. Here’s how it works:

Note: Once delegated, both administrators and students can see the delegated content in their inventory. The scholar’s inventory will show ‘Delegated’. However, since ownership is reflected in Ronin Wallet, there is no change in display upon delegation.

Direct delegation is a way for managers to place their axes in the hands of academics without transferring ownership. As a manager, Select the axis —> Click “Delegate Axie” —> Complete the flow —> Scholar will receive the delegated axis. You can delegate up to 20 axes in a single transaction for 1 day, 7 days, 1 month, 3 months or 1 year! You can cancel a delegated axi at any time. Here’s how administrators can use the direct delegation feature:

Step 1: Go to App.axie

Step 2: Select the axis you want to delegate.

Step 3: Click on the three dots next to the axie’s name. Then select “Axie Delegation”.

Step 4: Enter the scholar’s address and delegation period and select whether the scholar can use the Ax to obtain Lucky Slips (if applicable).

Step 5: Click Authorize and confirm delegation via Ronin Wallet. complete!

The Delegation Center is where Lunacians track and manage their delegated and borrowed axes. Here we bulk delegate, cancel and return axes. Think of this as your Axie Delegation headquarters.

The “Delegated to Others” tab displays the axes that your administrator has delegated. The “Delegated to Me” tab displays the delegated axes that scholars have received. There is a limit of 20 axes per delegate, but there is no limit to the total number of axes that can be delegated.

In the future, the delegation feature will be available in several Axie games, such as Origins, Classic, and Homeland. However, individual teams must first integrate them. This means that this feature will not apply to all games at the same time.

We know our community probably has a lot of questions about Axie Delegation. For example, how does Axie delegation affect AXP earning and leaderboard rewards? What about Bounty Boards and Classic Guilds? In the following sections, we will answer as many of these questions as possible. Please keep in mind that this is an early version of the delegation feature. We’re laying the foundation today so we can build better features tomorrow.

Delegate Axies today

If the delegation is successful, the Administrator will retain core competencies such as Axis management, ascension, evolution, and training, while transferring the ability to play games using the Axis to Scholars.

The game will need some time to fully integrate all delegation features, which will be implemented as soon as possible. We’ve released Delegates near the end of the Origins season and during the Classic Offseason to allow Directors and Guild Masters to delegate their axes to prepare for the upcoming season.

During this initial period, administrators can continue to use delegated axes. However, once the integration is complete in each game, only Scholars can play with the delegated axis.

Reward sharing or splitting is not incorporated into the beta phase of Axie Delegation. Axies are in a unique position because they can be utilized in multiple games with different revenue mechanisms, which makes calculating their direct contribution difficult. We are considering several models to facilitate this mechanism in the next steps.

To help administrators find scholars, we have compiled a list of top scholars who have expressed interest through the Axie Scholar Pages. This database allows you to filter scholars by game expertise, spoken language, number of Classic battles, Origins, and AXS earned in Homeland starting in early 2024. You can contact a scholar via Discord or X and simply delegate the axis to that scholar. Wallet address.

Browse the Axie Scholar page

If all goes according to plan, Homeland will be the first game to integrate Axie Delegation. Once the feature is enabled, landowners and managers will be able to use delegated axes as workers or in Axie Adventure. However, delegation does not reset an axie’s adventure fatigue.

Pro Tip: If you are not a landowner, you can also delegate axes for use in Homeland avatar mode.

Note: The land mandate market remains active. The App.axie dashboard has two separate locations:

See Homeland Support article

If all goes according to plan, Axie Delegation will be live on Origins sometime later this month. Then axies can earn AXP as usual. However, leaderboard rewards are not split. This means that all leaderboard rewards, including Collectible Axie rewards, will go to the current Scholar. Scholars must also equip any runes and talismans they wish to use, and cannot transform borrowed axes.

Meta Morph, Zergling, and Axis cooldown periods have different effects. For a step-by-step breakdown of Origins’ terms of reference, check out our support article.

See the Origins support article.

Similar to Origins, we plan to integrate Axie Delegation with Classic later this month. Once again, it is possible to accumulate AXP, but splitting leaderboard rewards is not possible. There will also be unique implications for guilds delegating axies, more details on this can be found here 👇

Please refer to the classic support documentation.

Once Axie Delegation is activated, you can use your delegated Axie to complete quests and earn rewards! However, Scholars can only use quests related to the game. Quests related to Axie ownership are not available. For example, Scholars can win Origins to earn Bounty Board points that can be exchanged for AXS. However, even if you have a Delegated Collectible Axe, you will not be able to earn Bounty Board Points for quests such as “Supply 1 Premium CocoChoco for an Evolved Mystic Axe you own.”

See our Bounty Board support article.

Additional game integration information

Axie Delegation is more than just a new feature. It’s the return of the Axie scholarship model that sparked the movement. This initial release is an important step towards a more accessible axie ecosystem. Soon, anyone will be able to play Axie games, regardless of whether they own an Axie or not. Let’s keep pushing!

Q: Can I delegate my Collectible Axis to User A and then separately delegate the Fortune Slip for that Collectible Axis to another User B?

A: Yes, you can delegate collectible axis and associated fortune slips separately if you choose to omit slips from your axi delegation.

Q: Can my Scholar delegate the Lucky Slips in my Collectible Axes to someone else?

A: Yes, if you choose to share a Fortune Slip with a scholar through Axie Delegation, the scholar can delegate that Slip. again To other users via Atia Delegation

Q: Can I still get the slip if User A delegates the collection Axi to User B?

Answer: It depends. Both YES and NO are possible.

  • Yes, this is possible if User A does not allow User B to obtain slips when setting up delegation.

  • No, if User A allows User B to acquire slips during delegation setup.

Question: If I allow slip accumulation in my delegation settings, will my scholars receive their slips immediately?

A: No. Scholarship recipients can only receive their slips after 24 hours.

Q: If I delegate collectible axes but do not allow scholars to obtain slips, will this affect me?

A: Yes, owners will still be affected and if they have delegated a collectible Axi, they will have to wait 24 hours before they can obtain that Axi.

Q: Can a scholar receive delegation from multiple owners?

A: Yes, scholars can receive commissioned axes from multiple owners.

Q: Can an owner delegate a single axie to multiple users?

A: No. An axie can only delegate to one user at a time.

Q: I have delegated 20 axes to different users at the same time. When canceling, do I need to cancel all 20 axes at once?

A: No. You can select which axis to cancel.

Q: If I change my mind after proceeding, can I cancel the delegation immediately?

A: No. You can only cancel after 24 hours.

Q: Can a scholar cancel a delegation?

A: No. Scholars do not have the authority to revoke delegation.

Q: Can a Scholar use only delegated axes to unlock the Bounty Board’s requirement to own 3 axes?


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