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Axie Adventure is now available in Homeland!

Key Points

  • Introducing Axie Adventure! Axie Adventure allows Axie to battle in Homeland’s passive PvE adventure mode. This means that NFT axes will replace NPC adventurers. Recruit axes. Climb the new leaderboard. Earn AXP and rejoice!

  • There are two ways to earn new rewards this week: Climb the Axie Adventure Leaderboard to receive weekly rewards or participate in the limited-time Moonfall Chest Overflow event. Find out more details below!

  • Axie Adventure introduces numerous new mechanics to Homeland, including combat quality, adventure fatigue, and power ratios. In this article, you’ll find a big-picture overview of these mechanics, as well as a deep dive into individual game statistics.

Introducing Axie Adventure to Homeland! Homeland is a land-based game where players build settlements, gather resources, and craft items using NFT axes. However, the game’s PvE passive adventure mode only features NPC adventurers who provide random outcomes. until now.

The new Axie Adventure replaces NPC Adventurers with NFT axies, opening the door to new game mechanics, including more skill-based strategies. Send your axes to PvE battles! This article will provide an overview of the new mechanics, then dive into the role of individual statistics such as part evolution and power ratio. Let’s go!

Play Homeland

In Axie Adventure, your Axie’s class determines your axie’s specialty skills. Build your team wisely. Some classes have special advantages. For example, plant axes are stiffer and new axes are faster. Reptiles tend to be versatile. Axies’ Evolved Rating and Combat Quality also determine their additional abilities.

Send your axes into battle at any time, whether they are working or not. However, keep in mind that axies can only earn AXP from one activity at a time. This means you can earn AXP from either Axie Adventure or regular gameplay, but not both. This also means that all axes in a player’s account can always be engaged.

Engage up to 100 axes in battle in Axie Adventure. Once Axi participates in battle, it cannot be used until the battle ends. There is also a delay before it can be reused, which can last up to 10 minutes.

Sending Axies on adventures is easy. but victory Much more difficult! Equip Axies to maximize performance and clear as many stages as possible. After sending Axies on an adventure, you must wait for them to finish their current battle before sending them back. Each Axie’s adventure cooldown can last up to 10 minutes.

Now that we’ve covered the big picture, let’s look at the details. Here are the new stats coming live in Axie Adventure:

Two factors that affect an axie’s combat level are its core level and its Altar of Atia level. According to the core level of axie potential The maximum battle level is determined by the level of the Atia Altar in the plot. Here are two examples:

A level 60 ax has the potential to reach combat level 60. However, you must first reach Atia Altar level 10. On the other hand, a level 20 ax can only reach combat level 20, even if Altar of Atia reaches level 10.

Note: Battle levels are linked to individual axes, so they will no longer be reset when transferring plots!

Adventure Fatigue is a stamina mechanic. This limits how often players can use the ax in each new passive adventure. After all, fighting is hard work! The core level of the axie determines the limit. Higher levels, more health, more adventures. Adventure Fatigue resets once per day at 8AM PH/8PM EST and does not regenerate on the same day.

Note: Transferring, selling, or delegating Axie to another account will not reset Axie’s Adventure Fatigue.

When an Axie Adventure begins, Axie’s Evolved Rating affects the quality of her battles. Evolved Ratings are a scoring system based on component evolution, with different types of collectible axes receiving different ratings. This also means MOAR utility for collectible axes!

Higher evolution level → higher combat quality → higher stat modifier → stronger Axie for passive adventure.

Evolved grades come in two types: basic grades and partially evolved grades.

  • Base level: These are one-time points awarded to a specific type of Collectible Axie without any parts evolving.

  • Part evolution level: This score depends on the type and number of collection parts from which Axie evolved.

Combat Quality is a combat stat modifier that depends on your total evolution level. Multiplies the axis base statistics. The higher the combat quality, the higher the combat power.

  • Each evolution level is assigned a different combat quality (e.g. +0 is Common 1, +4 is Epic 2, and +9 is Legendary 4).

  • The higher the evolution level, the higher the combat quality.

Here is an example demonstrating this mechanism:

If you have a normal Axie that has evolved 6 times, its combat quality will become Legendary 1 and its total evolution rank will be 6.

Now consider Mystic Axie through the following evolutionary analysis.

The total evolution ranks of this Mystic Axie are:

1 + 4 + 12 = 17

This gives Axie a combat quality of Divine+, equivalent to a total evolution rank of 17.

In Axie Adventure, each axis has a power ratio. This represents the axie’s overall strength based on other statistics and equipment. Power charges play an important role in plot progression, affecting the total Battle Tickets available to the player, with every adventure requiring one Battle Ticket.

Improve statistics —> Increase power speed —> Increase plot progression —> Increase available battle tickets —> Start your MOAR adventure —> Repeat.

The plot progress has been taking place behind the scenes and in real time for a long time. But Axie Adventure makes this visible through its new UI. The land planning progress bar increases by 1 point each time an ax adventures with an output rate above 200,000, up to a maximum of 7 points. Previous plot progression carries over to this new system, but transferring/selling a plot resets progression. In future updates, we plan to make plot progression follow the plot, regardless of whether it is sold or transferred.

The battle ticket is the entrance fee to Axie Adventure. 1 Battle Ticket = 1 Adventure. To send three axes into battle, you will need three Battle Tickets. Each plot also generates battle tickets that regenerate over time. Plot type, account progress, and plot progress determine the number of Battle Tickets available. The higher the level of the Consumer Corner and Survivor Store, the higher the player’s maximum number of Battle Tickets.

Axies can now earn AXP through a new passive adventure!

The total AXP an Axie earns depends on several factors.

If Axie goes into battle alone, she will receive all AXP she has earned. When axies are sent together, each member will receive a portion of the total AXP. For example, in a two-person party, each member will receive 75% of the total AXP. In a party of 3, each member receives 50% of the total AXP.

The AXP that your Axie can earn in Axie Adventure may be adjusted over time as we monitor the impact of this update on our AXP system.

Now that Axie Adventure and Axie Delegation are live, we expect to see some new dynamics in Homeland. For example, the ability to borrow the most powerful NFT axes through Axie Delegation can unlock exciting new player strategies for climbing the passive adventure leaderboard. As a result, this update is more than just a fun feature. This is a major integration of the axie economy and Axie Core into Homeland. Combining the two features together will make it much more interesting for all players, from caretakers to landowners.

While we’re taking a brief hiatus from major Homeland updates while preparing for Axie Delegation, our team has been hard at work creating engaging new features that reward you for your in-game progress. introduction Axie Adventure Weekly Leaderboard! Players ranked in the top 200 will receive Ancient Coins, while players ranked 201 and below will receive gold and various items, including consumables, armor, weapons, and accessories. We will distribute rewards at the end of each week!

Note: The higher your rank, the more items you will receive in both quantity and level. This item will help you rank higher on next week’s leaderboard.

This new system will recognize and reward players who have made significant progress in both Homeland and Axie Core.

  • Higher level plot ➡️ Better equipment and consumables

  • Higher levels, evolved collectible axes ➡️ Stronger adventurer

Put all this together and you have a way to improve your rankings on the weekly leaderboard!

Here’s how it works:

  • press number of starts Start earning points (e.g. Adventurer’s Rush event).

  • Send up to 20 teams (1-3 Axies per team) on adventures each day.

  • that number of starts The 20 team limit resets daily at 6PM PH/6AM EST.

  • Your axis team earns points based on the total number of floors completed. This means that if you use checkpoints, skipped lower floors will not be included in your score.

  • Scores on leaderboards are plot-based, not account-based.

  • The current weekly leaderboard ends every Wednesday at 3:00 PM PHT/3:00 AM EST. However, this schedule may change as we monitor performance and reception of the feature.

Introducing the Moonfall Chest Overflow event! During this event, available Moonfall chests will be doubled.

  • extra special box: 1 per day → 2 per day

  • 👇Premium Box: 50 per day → 100 per day

  • plain box: Up to 200 per day → Up to 400 per day

This event will run for two weeks starting October 17, 2024 at 6:00 PM (PHT) | 6:00 AM EST – 31 October 2024 3:00 PM (PHT) | 3:00 AM ET

Learn more about Moonfall rewards

Along with these Axie Adventure updates, we will be providing several QoL updates, bug fixes, and balance updates to Moonfall quests related to quest gathering, production, and crafting. In balance update 15-50% Reduced quest difficulty. That is, you will need Up to 50% time savings To complete the updated Moonfall quests, Axie-specific adventure quests will also appear!

  • Improved resource transfer: You can now search and filter items, select multiple slots simultaneously, and send multiple packages to different plots much easier.

  • Storage overview: A new menu at the top of the screen shows all your storage capacity and provides quick access to the storage menu.

  • Auction house UX improvements: Tapping the back button now takes you back to the previous page or resource you were viewing rather than redirecting to the initial page.

  • Flashing public deposit nodes: For smoother use, the flickering of public deposit nodes in the world map has been reduced.

Lunacia, good luck with your first Axie Adventure. Think of all the things one Axie can do. Complete PvP in Origins or Classic, build or battle in PvE in Homeland, and earn rewards through the Bounty Board. The list goes on. Our digital nation has come a long way, and we’re just getting started. Let’s keep pushing.

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