Crypto Gloom

Discord Community Rewards are now live!

Key points:

  • Discord Community Rewards is live! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be distributing a total of 2,000 AXS rewards to our top community members. Congratulations to our top 100 most active community members. Check out the full list below.

  • Over the past few weeks, we’ve made changes to improve Discord’s onboarding and user experience. Expect a more intuitive, less cluttered layout, with simplified channels for easier navigation.

  • We will be starting monthly Discord events so everyone can participate, have fun, and earn rewards. Stay tuned for these updates and stay active.

Lunasians, our Discord Community Rewards are here! Thank you to our community members who have been contributing and contributing to our Discord channels. It’s a little late to congratulate you, but thank you for your contributions throughout the summer.

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Special recognition goes to the top 100 community members. Without you, our vibrant Discord wouldn’t be what it is today. In particular, our dedicated channel moderators put in a ton of time and effort to make everything run smoothly. To show our appreciation, we’re giving away 2,000 AXS to the top 100 contributors. Keep an eye on your wallet as we’ll be sending out these rewards over the next few weeks!

Congratulations to the following community members:

hibernumras, pr1xm, blaze.ron, darkmessiah23, .cyclades., nicheesan, muriciones, jinuga, y3xw, vincebeans, pat777, hellscream.ron, koyaturling, alonsoaxie, pixie, lixh911, neoarg, kiiru, elredoxcripto, hampyygg, lordcanton, rison. szar, garyah, bromoxydo, Equigod, pilson_8008, Blurp.ron, zaackk._., nikko8346, .loster, alrose_21, basketholic, 2slash.ron, wreck3457, nyoximus, daniboo., wanwan8682, puckumizz, mqb123456, .hyuun, sana3. 0, nplp2, .zizania, muffetiyar, valkur., sonikaband1477, pransis.eth, liefe, xbadzx_ygg, proto6858, leafyman, gummiegamma, buddynt, trevvyy_07, cryp2moon, theb0t., celtixtime, v.identity, sensei_odin, crashanarchyracing, juspu, reinkin , Wings_of_Pegasus, Tempest5729, Snow 6865, Nadeno, Overload9565, Pixelcowboy.Dev, Mrmath_96,. Oshiten, keiji_ax.ori, Arima7733, CBoogie_25, .pusit, theguillotine, Jhonysteam, notvictoria.eth, sab33,potatochips8, invictusssssssss, hailcorporate, starcream0097903, steadfast5336, fbblessyougamingmadfam001, damtom, .ideashamster, ideath9, .ron, sanctumchristi, frayeph , huargo.eth, l0ss_23, hwanglong9691.

We’ve also improved your Discord experience. Our servers are now more welcoming and user-friendly. Here’s what we’ve done:

  • Improved onboarding flow – If you’re new to Axie Discord, you’ll find the onboarding process to be streamlined and user-friendly. For existing users, we’ve introduced: #claim-role Customize your experience by easily hiding or showing specific channels in Channels, and unlock Token Gate channels by connecting your Ronin Wallet. See your server more organized and clear!

  • Introducing the “New Start” section for new users – This space will make it easy for you to ask questions and get the support you need as you begin your journey. You’ll find everything you need in one place, including updated Getting Started Guides, Guild Channels, and Scholarship Channels. This will make your onboarding experience smooth and enjoyable!

  • Simplified channels and permissions – Designated the Townhall section behind the Lunacian role as a token gate and removed unused channels. The new permissions give members more freedom to connect with other Lunacians using memes, GIFs, and stickers.

  • Integrated feedback channel – You can now easily submit feedback on all products, including Discord, app.axie, and all Axie games. This feedback will be passed directly to the team to improve the feedback process. To share your feedback, follow these steps in the #feedback channel:

    • Click “Submit” on the selected product.

    • Write your thoughts in the pop-up window

    • Then click “Submit” again.

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NOTE: For existing members, if you are unable to see some channels in Discord due to an issue with the app, please click on Axie Discord server settings and select “Show all channels” to resolve the issue.

We’ll be launching new monthly Discord events over the next few weeks. These events are designed to get the community involved, entertained, and of course, rewarded! Stay tuned for more details and get ready to dive into the fun. With these upcoming changes and events, there’s never been a better time to be active on Discord.

Thank you for being an integral part of the Lunacian nation. Your dedication, passion, and support are what makes our community truly special. We look forward to continuing to build with you and seeing what amazing things you can do next! Let’s keep the momentum going as we build a brighter, bolder, and more connected Axie Infinity community. See you in the chat!

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