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STEPN GO Beta Test Officially Started! ✨ | STEPN Official | September 2024

STEPN GO combines new social and fitness features to bring fun and rewards to your daily routine, or even help you start one.

The Haus System is a key feature that changes the way users participate in STEPN GO. This feature allows you to lend your sneakers to a friend and share energy and income. It is a great way to motivate each other and achieve fitness goals together.

The Haus System allows anyone without any knowledge of cryptography to start using STEPN GO simply by entering an activation code.

Learn more about the Haus System

Staying active on STEPN GO is not only good for your health, it’s also rewarding. The Fitness Level feature rewards you for your daily activities. The more consistent you are, the more you earn, turning every walk, jog or run into an opportunity to increase your earnings and improve your Fitness Level.

Learn more about fitness levels

As you walk, jog, or run in Sneakers, you earn Game Go Tokens (GGT), which can be used throughout the app to level up your Sneakers, mint Shoeboxes, and more use cases will be added in the future.

To start walking in STEPN GO and earn GGT, you need to burn sneakers to get energy. This system ensures a sustainable economic model where sneakers need to be burned to limit supply inflation.

STEPN GO is not just a fitness app. It is a fusion of social interaction, fitness, and a rewarding ecosystem that provides a comprehensive experience. And this is just the beginning. We have other cool features in the pipeline, such as Mystery Box rewards, 3D avatars, and interactive maps.

To get started, find your activation code on Discord (link) or log in with your FSL ID through offline and online events. That’s it!

Are you ready? STEPN… GO!


Building on the success of STEPN, the pioneering movement and earning platform, STEPN GO revolutionizes social fitness in everyday life. Earn rewards for staying active by buying, renting or borrowing sneakers. Rewards can be used to level up, cash out or show off your online presence, promoting both physical activity and social connection.

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