Crypto Gloom

STEPN GO Production Story | Provided by STEPN Official

During this sixteenth coffee meeting, the FSL founders realized that while STEPN had successfully leveraged the potential of its mobility and accrual model, it was lacking social engagement and community features that were essential for broader and more sustainable user interaction.

Also, since the economic model is the cornerstone of a viable project, they thought about how they could improve it. Sneaker inflation has always been a big problem for STEPN, so they focused on how they could address it by designing a sustainable token economics model.

Then, fueled by their passion for community and their desire to make web3 more accessible, Yawn and Jerry dreamed up STEPN GO. They envisioned a platform that did more than simply encourage physical activity. It was a platform that brought people together. STEPN GO was envisioned as a space where deeper social connections enriched every step of the fitness journey, and membership was accessible to everyone, not just crypto geeks, making it more engaging, rewarding, and inclusive for all users.

To realize their dream of a social and accessible game, Yawn and Jerry imagined a number of new features designed to create the ultimate social fitness app.

Easy onboarding through Haus System: This social feature ensures a smooth start for new users. Active players can lend their sneakers to friends and family, allowing them to get started without any knowledge of cryptocurrencies. The more of us, the more fun!

social interaction: When walking or running in your sneakers, users can acquire Outfit Fragments and use them to customize their 3D avatars. These avatars can then be flexed on an interactive map within the app, allowing everyone to interact with the entire community!

Energy System: And what’s even cooler is that Yawn and Jerry have designed a sustainable economic model, where users burn their sneakers to get energy and use the app, thereby ensuring the stability of the asset’s value.

The decision to create STEPN GO instead of expanding the original STEPN platform was driven by a clear vision of starting from scratch.

While the original STEPN system was successful, it was primarily focused on a ‘move and acquire’ model, limiting the scope for integrating robust social features and interactive elements without disrupting the existing user experience.

Integrating complex social features requires fundamental restructuring, which may put the stability and security of the platform and user assets at risk.

In essence, the birth of STEPN GO reflects a bold step forward, leveraging the lessons learned from STEPN to bring something completely new to the Web 3.0 space.

A story of innovation that started with a simple cup of coffee, proving that great ideas often come from small beginnings. Now, with STEPN GO, the journey towards a more connected and accessible world continues, inviting everyone to join and experience the evolution of social fitness.

The important thing to note is that this does not mean we are abandoning STEPN. STEPN remains a valuable and functional platform, ensuring that both apps can thrive in tandem, each serving a unique yet complementary purpose within our ecosystem.

Additionally, while we are launching GGT, the STEPN GO utility token, GMT, will continue to be our primary governance token. STEPN is and will continue to be the place where users can mint new GMT tokens on the fly, and we will add more use cases for using it through STEPN GO and future products.

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STEPN GO is a product of FSL, which also includes other major products such as STEPN (a pioneering movement and acquisition platform), MOOAR (an NFT launchpad and marketplace), DOOAR (DEX), as well as the web3 social game Gas Hero.

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