Crypto Gloom

Bitcoin Unleashed: A Philosophy Sparking a Global Revolution | Posted by Johnwege | Coins | April 2024

john way
Coin Monk

There comes a time in each person's life when they must decide what is most important to them. What they consider most important and what they will prioritize in the future. Some of the most common choices people make are often family, religion, money, or work. There is no right answer. What is right for you may not be right for me, and vice versa.

However, we can agree that many people who invest in Bitcoin spend a lot of their time focused on money. I'm worried about current macro events, wealth expansion, achieving accumulation goals, and the price of Bitcoin. The FOMO that comes from seeing portfolio values ​​soar in a bull market is unlike anything most of us have ever felt before. But it is always followed by a bear market, which sends us into the deepest emotional valleys. The truth is that for many of us, our entire mood revolves around the current price of Bitcoin.

When prices go up, we are happy. But if the price falls, it will be a bad day. The first thing we do in the morning is check prices, and we'll continue to do this throughout the day. In fact, there will never be a point in the day when you don't know what the current price is. We check the Bitcoin price just before we go…