Crypto Gloom

Action: A British judge ruled that Satoshi created BSV.

This is just like this: The BSV blockchain, its technology, its name, and its legitimate claim to being the first Bitcoin protocol, is not going away.

Craig Wright debunks many of the myths and misconceptions that have surfaced since last month’s British court ruling that Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto, the author of the 2008 Bitcoin white paper and creator of the original Bitcoin protocol. no see.

Since Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) was sentenced to 25 years in prison, the ‘crypto’ community has been slamming the message that SBF was not representative of the wider blockchain sector and therefore his crimes had no negative impact. Keep in mind that this is the same community that has been equally vehemently pushing the narrative that Craig Wright is BSV and therefore his recent legal ruling spells ruin for BSV.

The problem with this argument is twofold. First, while Craig is clearly a prominent figure in the BSV blockchain ecosystem, his skills are in no way dependent on any one individual.

BSV is the only blockchain with a locking protocol that honors the one-sided contracts provided by Satoshi. candid Network Node dates back to 2008. This promise is enforced by a Swiss non-profit organization of which Craig has never been a member. It is therefore difficult to see where Craig’s absence from the scene creates an unfillable void that irreparably derails BSV’s progress.

There is also a little known fact that a judge confirmed Satoshi as the creator of Bitcoin while declaring that Craig was not Satoshi. Since BSV is the only protocol that remains faithful to Satoshi’s original vision as described in the white paper and the only protocol that can trace an unaltered path back to the Genesis block, the judge effectively ruled: Satoshi created BSV..

Think about it. There is now legal language in the book that says Satoshi, not Craig, created BSV. The court decision may have been personally shocking to Craig, but it was business as usual for BSV. (BSV is the abbreviation for Bitcoin. satoshi A vision other than Bitcoin Craig vision. So anyone expecting some sort of ‘rebranding’ is missing the forest for the trees here).

Much of Satoshi’s story may remain unknown forever, but his legacy lives on here and now in the form of BSV. That was the best technology available before the trial, and the verdict did not change that fact.

Thanks to the new Teranode scaling solution, only BSV has the bandwidth to handle the transaction volumes required by Web3 applications. Only BSV has the ability to handle the massive data processing needs of enterprises and governments. And only BSV offers an antidote to the ‘crypto’ community’s well-documented aversion to rules or laws that could negatively impact token value.

Basically, everyone reading this has one of two choices. Either the judge was wrong and Craig was Satoshi and Satoshi created BSV, or the judge was right and Craig was not Satoshi and Satoshi created BSV. However, in both cases, Satoshi invented BSV and Bitcoin’s Satoshi Vision is the world’s only enterprise blockchain. The original protocol in the original chain of the original genesis block. Long live personal Satoshi.

People in glass houses…

The second problem with the anti-Craig crowd’s ‘SBF doesn’t represent us’ message is that SBF is hardly an outlier. What I mean is, it would take hours for the parade of ‘crypto’ scammers facing criminal or civil prosecution based on pump and dump and worse exploits to pass through your house. Most of those not yet detained are hiding from the countless retail customers who have collectively suffered losses. billions Dollars generated by these crimes.

Craig has never been accused of this type of predatory mischief. Craig did not offer to invest in a can’t-lose project with a guaranteed high ‘return’ from an obscure source. Craig didn’t steal customer cash to bet on illiquid shitcoins. Craig never helped the ‘Pig Butcher’ launder money or facilitate terrorist financing. But is it Craig who has tarnished the reputation of blockchain? You can’t make it up.

Craig’s critics have been reduced to arguing that individuals who converted other tokens to BSV based on Craig’s predictions about how blockchain will develop may have missed out on larger gains if they had chosen to keep their original tokens.

This view conveniently ignores the unprecedented anti-competitive delisting of BSV and an equally unprecedented social media campaign aimed at denigrating BSV and minimizing further adoption. It wasn’t Craig who set an artificial cap on the fiat value of BSV.

These pressure tactics have also been cited as contributing to the decision of some key witnesses to Craig’s early involvement in Bitcoin not to testify on his behalf at trial. It’s ironic that so many of these pushers claim to be free thinkers who abhor all types of ‘groupthink’, yet want to scream ‘blasphemers’ at anyone who dares support Craig’s cause.

Craig’s reputation may ultimately be restored as the true power of the technology he championed becomes apparent to senior decision-makers. However, this will take some time, as it soon becomes clear that Craig was merely collateral damage in a broader, ongoing attack on BSV.

Craig’s opponent in the UK trial was the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA), a mix of digital asset exchanges and Silicon Valley giants. They fear (with good reason) BSV’s ability to seriously disrupt the cryptocurrency casino token model, US-based payment systems, and the advertising-driven Web2 social media space.

Simply put, BSV had to go away, and if Craig was considered by some to be the public face of BSV, he was a logical first target. But this isn’t limited to Craig, so the attacks won’t end with him.

COPA, along with other ‘digital gold’ enthusiasts, will continue to emphasize the narrative that blockchain is only used for speculative purposes. It is up to BSV to provide a legally compliant and technologically superior alternative to these false promises.

In the end, it doesn’t matter if Craig isn’t Satoshi. It never was. Technology is the only story. A technology created by Satoshi. It is a technology called BSV.

Are you new to blockchain? To learn more about blockchain technology, check out CoinGeek’s Blockchain for Beginners section, our ultimate resource guide.