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British court freezes $7.6 million in Craig Wright assets

A British court has issued a global freeze on $7.6 million in Craig Wright’s assets, effectively blocking him from transferring funds abroad.

A legal ruling earlier this month found that Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, as previously claimed.

Judge James Mellor presided over the lawsuit initiated by the Crypto Open Patent Alliance.Kopa). The judge concluded that Wright did not invent Bitcoin, write the original Bitcoin white paper, or develop early versions of Bitcoin software.

Wright then informed Companies House in the UK about the transfer of shares from his company, RCJBR Holding, to DeMorgan, a Singapore-based company.

Wright’s decision to freeze his assets, detailed in a recent ruling shared by the Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund, aims to free up around £6.7 million in legal costs arising from COPA. A freeze would prevent Wright’s resources from being depleted, according to court documents. The judge expressed concern that Wright may try to move his assets overseas to avoid the costs of the case.

Wright previously attempted to resolve the dispute with COPA out of court in January to avoid mounting legal costs, but COPA rejected the offer.

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