Crypto Gloom

Play-to-Earn may be ‘dead’, but Game Tokens are not, and the Pixel will prove it.

Play-to-Earn (P2E) and gaming tokens are never the same, and that’s a good thing. We don’t want pointless “games” that require players to click once an hour to earn tokens. It’s not a game. To be honest, I’m not sure what it is. Is it unsustainable? But that doesn’t mean that making money from games is dead, nor does it necessarily mean that playing games to make money is dead. It sounds contradictory, but it isn’t.

The P2E era was short-lived, but we saw what could at best be classified as mini-games rush to the market for the purpose of having sellable tokens (sometimes NFTs). Now that’s over. However, truly enjoyable games with tokens implemented in the gaming economy will stand out and we will have the best use cases for them very soon.

What I wrote at the end of last year was, Ronin’s Web3 game pixels explode and statistics reveal a lot.. Ronin, an ecosystem famous for being a pioneer in P2E gaming, axi infiniti, opening the door to other blockchain games in a move to diversify. The first game to cross the threshold was a stroke of genius. pixel.

More (and more) pixels

In our November article, we looked at how the game’s Unique Active Wallet (UAW) went parabolic and surpassed 100,000 in about seven days. The problem with these kinds of numbers is that, sadly, they usually present a bot problem in current blockchain games. with pixelIt wasn’t like that though.

If you want to analyze the numbers, click on the article linked above. Let’s move the timeline forward three months to the present. was pixel Flash in the pot? Again, no.

Pixel Token UAW Player BasePixel Token UAW Player BasePixel Token UAW Player Base
As you can see, over the past three months UAW has continued to rise, reaching almost 186K on January 23, 2024. As I write this, UAW is still up 50% since the November article. 155K yesterday.

Then, over the past 30 days, Pixels has managed transaction volume of $5.23 million, a 14.64% increase from the previous month, with some of the game’s NFTs sold reaching significant sums.

Via DappRadar

In addition to the above, pixel There have been a number of high dollar sales in the last 24 hours, with the top 10 all over $5K.

While these statistics are impressive, they only make the main point. Game tokens can become popular commodities, pixel You can clearly mark it on the map again.

The revival of $PIXELS, Pixels’ token, and gaming tokens

Gaming Token PIXEL Token Pixels RoninGaming Token PIXEL Token Pixels RoninGaming Token PIXEL Token Pixels Ronin

First, I will quote an article I wrote last November. pixel There are two tokens, $BERRY and $PIXEL, and $BERRY is a kind of workhorse that is central to all gameplay. $BERRY is used by players to buy and sell items, resources, etc.” At that time, $PIXEL, another token for the game, had not been released, and soon $BERRY (which was not an on-chain currency) would be decommissioned to $PIXEL, with an exchange rate of 7.6175 $PIXEL to 1,000 $BERRY. It actually launches on February 19th, and the launch itself is something of a masterclass.

First, $PIXELS Token Launches on Binance. Game founder Luke Barwikowski told Decrypt:

“The fact that we are launching on Binance… The fact that all of this is happening and that we are reaching the full expression of the token launch is pretty amazing… Now the fun begins. Yes? I consider this literally the first day of everything we are working on. “We have a product to launch, but we still have a long way to go.”

— Luke Barwikowski, Pixels founder (via

The second half of the masterclass will be airdropped to players for 10 days. We just saw Solana’s Jupiter Exchange do a small airdrop in native tokens to users, and the buzz it generated was phenomenal (and may even match the execution I might add).

Airdrops have been an interesting thread for bull markets in the past, and now it feels like they have surpassed their previous relevance. Airdropping $PIXEL to players is a fantastic way to reward early adopters and die-hard fans and generate buzz about your game.

I am not a financial analyst, trader or market expert so I have no idea what the price of $PIXEL is or if it will rise. I would also like to say – doubly emphatically – that this is not financial advice and that you should do your own research. With this in mind, we hope $PIXEL performs well, and if it does, we believe it will spark a renaissance in gaming tokens, much like we’ve seen the meteoric rise of metaverse tokens like $MANA.