Crypto Gloom

Star Atlas New Ship Construction System – Generation 3

A ship configuration consists of all the modifiable and fixed parts that make up each unique ship. These basics are explained in the Star Atlas Lore Wiki.

As game systems continue to evolve to keep pace with in-game utilities, the way ship configurations work has evolved significantly since the early GAO Phase 1 era. During this entire period, we’ve been iterating and refining the breadth and depth of the base ruleset and schema for populating a ship’s loadout.

The first major upgrade came with the second generation Ship Config V2, which featured significant changes to the crew, components, and modules. Crew stations and interior elements were also introduced. As we released the V2 update, we received a lot of feedback from the community, the most notable of which were:

  1. Ship description does not match configuration.
  2. Create a component difference table It’s counterproductive. Get your bonus.
  3. Original prices did not match manufacturer premiums and bonuses.

About point 1, ship configurations have already been adjusted to match the ship descriptions in the latest Galactic Marketplace patch. For example, if the description mentions oversized weapons, that ship actually sports oversized hardpoints. Other adjustments have been made to remove references to components that are too large and instead refer to components of higher quality. This leads nicely to the next point.

About point 2, the entire component variation table is removed. This means that all components that fill the core component slots (except weapon slots) are of the same class as the ship (e.g. XX-small, X-small, small, medium, etc.). However, ships can still slot components from different tiers, from Tier 0 to Tier 5. Higher tier components consume more power and generate more heat, but also provide significantly improved performance.

Another important note is that most manufacturer bonuses now apply to the component itself. This means that parts with a higher Manufacturer Points value will apply to ships equipped in the slot. If Pierce Warp Drive is equipped on a Busan ship, that Busan ship can enjoy the Pierce Warp Drive bonus. To make things even more interesting, there are also matching bonuses for components that match the ship manufacturer. The details of that system are a work in progress, but the intention is to create a significant amount of options and complexity in the creation of the build.

Basically, all ships purchased from GAO ​​or owned in secondary market transactions prior to the future snapshot will receive a special, unannounced mechanism for deploying core components, weapons, modules, and crews up to Tier 3. Instead of removing component differences, core components that are currently oversized are given a +1 class boost. Snapshots will be delivered in advance. The snapshot date has not been disclosed.

About point 3, this is the original price and V2 ship stat configuration, and is giving buffs to certain ships that are in worse condition than ships within the class. These buffs for some ships come in the form of upgraded components. The following table outlines the component point upgrades each ship will receive to bring its V2 performance to its original price.

Only ships in this list will have their component tiers improved. Otherwise, all Tier 1 components (and Tier 2 for large core components) will be provided unless exceptions are marked (a) or (b).

Features of each vessel:

  1. The VZUS opod’s description gave it a higher level scanner instead of the hull reinforcements of the VZUS.
  2. Fimbul BYOS Packlite has invested in two upgrades to two additional cargo modules based on community feedback.

For example, the Opal JetJet was relatively more expensive (excluding manufacturer bonuses) than a similarly capable vessel such as the Pearce X5. This warranted 16 component upgrades.

To apply the upgrade, we took the following into consideration:

  1. Delivery description and existing large components.

2. Priority components that affect SAGE Labs statistics:

  • Warp Drive → Warp Street
  • Subwarp drive → subwarp speed
  • Scanner Arrangement → Scan Cooldown

3. All remaining points were equally distributed across all core components.

Component upgrades will not only be reflected in SAGE Labs statistics from the initial release, but will also take effect while the snapshot is pending. The snapshot date has not been released yet and will be released in the future.

The default ship pricing algorithm has not changed since the V2 ship configuration was released, but ship prices will be much more uniform within a single ship class. This is simply due to the nature of the V2 configuration. The method is simple.

  1. Each ship class has a base price.
  2. Each ship has a manufacturer premium or discount (depending on makeup). Price premiums or discounts are reflected in ship statistics. This means that higher-priced ships perform relatively better than lower-priced ships due to manufacturer premiums. .

For example, assume a ship’s base price is 2000 ATLAS and the manufacturer’s premium is 10%. This ship (and all other ships of that size and manufacturer) will be priced at the original price of 2200 ATLAS.

If a vessel receives Tier 1 components, what are the Tier 0 components?

Once a new ship configuration update is activated, you can remove components from your ship. This will leave your ship with Tier 0 components that cannot be removed or sold. This means the vessel is always ready to fly. Tier 0 can be easily replaced with high quality components of the correct type and class. Additionally, after snapshots and airdrops for crews, components, and modules, all future ships will only use base hulls with Tier 0 core components. All weapons, crew, modules or core component upgrades must be purchased separately.

Why were component differences removed?

  • Some ships had large/small components that went against their own spec bonuses. For example, there was a stealthy bounty hunter/data executor with a small, unproductive heat sink.
  • Accounting for ships with large/small components with the expectation that these components will be 2-3x more or less powerful is difficult, if not impossible, without collapsing the power spectrum and thus devaluing the larger ships. It was.
  • Power and thermal management systems were having difficulty accounting for components that generate/consume 2-3x more power/heat than other components in the correct class.
  • The component layer achieves the same intent without the complexities listed above.

Ship Core Component Hierarchy Table

The table below lists the core component tiers granted to each vessel pending a snapshot. Critical components range from Tier 0 to Tier 5.

Check for updates soon